[A] LF m+ key pushing group

Hi there,

I’d like to find a regular key pushing group for S4 on alliance, preferably OCE based.

A bit about me - have played WoW since Vanilla, off and on over the years. This expansion i’ve spent S2 and S3 pugging and playing various different chars in the 1200-1500 IO range. Mage (Frost/Fire), Pally (all specs), Monk (all specs), Hunter (BM). Dabbled a bit on Rogue and Priest.

I’d like to push significantly higher with a regular group. I’m open to constructive criticism and always keen to learn more.

I’ve narrowed my S4 choice down to:

  • Prot pally main, Ret offspec
  • Windwalker main, Brew offspec
  • or this Ele shaman I just boosted a few days ago

Would love to talk to anyone who’s interested in forming a m+ group to play 2-3 evenings a week. Or anyone who has a group and is looking to fill a spot with some of the specs I mentioned.

If you’d like a chat, either leave a message here or you can get me on koven#1297


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