[A] LF guild merge 2-5/9M, T/W 10pm EST++

Our guild has hit a point in the tier where we have lost a lot of our roster to burnout and real life issues. Looking for a guild with similar prog (We are 3/9M and progging on p3 of Experiments) and raid times to start playing with in Heroic and possibly talk about doing a merge. Obviously players meshing well is important, so while we’re basically on hiatus this coming week, I am hoping we can try out with each other, see if we get along, and see if we can bounce back and keep pushing for CE together. We have some big parsers and plenty of memes.


Our times have been Tues/Wed 10pm-1am EST and can’t go earlier. We have one raid leader/tank who plays many tank classes, and probably at least 10-12 core players who will be staying, maybe more, some of which can flex classes. Having a working bench is important and we’ll have to talk about rotating people in and out for certain weeks/bosses.

This week, we are going to be running Heroic with mains on Tuesday (at 10pm EST) and trialing some new people to try and rebuild our roster. That said, we just lost a main tank, several officers and other members due to burnout and IRL issues. Any other similarly-progged guilds with roster issues, with a similar mindset of wanting to keep pushing for CE - I welcome you to reach out. We could splice our groups for Heroic on Tuesday, meet up and see where we go from there. If there is a possibility of us pushing Mythic together on Wednesday, that would be awesome.

Add me on Discord to talk: