A lesson to be learned from Remix

I actually think my power level is fine it’s that DPS aren’t doing nearly enough or that the average power level isn’t very high in pugs since we’re only on day 2. My heroic took me 30 minutes

Yeah, I imagine a lot of people are beelining quest objectives or Qing up for dungeons straight away and have abysmal cloak power and/or terrible gems.

I think you’re meant to do a bunch of questing first to get cloak and some of those ludicrously awesome gems before going into a dungeon.

And yeah, my power level is pretty good too, well my equipment is a bit outdated because I’ve been waiting for certain secondaries, lol

I’m hearing LFR is a walk in the park so I might do that later today

What some games do is allow players the option of (easy, medium, difficult).
Then everyone could play the way they wanted to play.

Did a VDH write this?


Some people don’t care for competition and just want to play for fun.

Others are very much about the “best rewards” for the “most challenging content”

Within Retail popularity M+ > PvP > Outdoor Content per Blizzard’s poll here:

M+ and PvP, the two most popular variants, are competitive and require some semblance of balance. Your suggestion that everyone enjoying M+ and PvP is just self-stroking epeen and “playing for reasons I don’t agree with” come across as selfish and from a business perspective it’s non-sensical (why sabotage the most popular game modes by eliminating balance to serve the minority?!).

Now, if they could make the fun factor (grossly OP/unbalanced) apply only in non-competitive situations, then fine, but it seems like a fair amount of dev dollars to spend on a non-problem. If they had evidence a concept like “OP WQ Power” would retain or even increase paid subs, then I think they’d go for it.

However, I’m sure forum dwellers would complain incessantly about “Why can’t we bring our OP Powerz to M+ and PvP?! Why? You suck Blizz!”… cuz GD complains about anything and everything. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Doesn’t WoW do this (to some extent)?

EASY = WQs, Heroic Dungeons, LFR
MED = +2 to +5 keys, Normal Raid
HARD = +6 to +9 keys, Heroic Raid
PINNACLE = > +10 keys, Mythic Raid, PvP

Just my opinion of difficulties, but there’s definitely a variety of challenge levels already.


The folks playing those other 11 don’t think it’s ok.

If only people would select classes based upon aesthetics and playstyle instead of worrying about what numbers they put up.

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Don’t kid yourself. If some class is basically 10% ahead of everyone else the game is fun for only one class. Now if everyone is overpowered, no one is and the game is fun for everyone.

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I don’t base my fun on what everybody else can do. As long as my class is fun to play and is reasonably close to the other classes, it’s fine.

But then… I don’t do that cesspool that is PvP.

Reasonably competitive is very different from what you stated in your OP about one class being 11% better than everybody else. That is not fun, that’s an unbalanced game.

11% is barely noticeable in most places, especially PvE.

Dude, 11% is a HUGE difference.

Your opinion. /shrug

11% only matters to some tryhards that do mythic and junk.

I think the lesson to be learned would be to give all these tinker and cogwheel gems their own little tab. My bags are a labyrinth right now.

that’s not on blizzard , that’s what the community desires

That we can agree on.

That, and it’s annoying to have to pull the gems out of stuff and put them in new stuff every time we upgrade a piece of equipment.

I’d rather just have some kind of system where you choose Remix Talents or something so I don’t have to fiddle with equipment constantly.

These people who say “let the game be broken” have never done anything remotely challenging so they don’t get it. They just don’t get it. They probably won’t ever get it because they aren’t the type to actually find thrill in challenging themselves so they’ll never push beyond their comfort zone.

You basically can’t communicate with them. They’re simply wrong, you have to accept that they’ll continue to be wrong, and it is what it is.

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