[A] Late night raiding Guild

I have a couple of Max level toons on saurfang that i am looking to transfer over to Frostmourne. I main a BM Hunter that is 8/9N and 4/9H. i have a Pally that i sometimes alt tank on normal who is 4/9N. I am looking for a late night raiding guild that starts at about 9 pm. Damnjaina (KulTiran Hunter) and Meanjaina (Dark Iron Dwarf Hunter) are 2 of my toons i started on frostmourne

Hey Pew,

Are you looking for a more relaxed, late night raiding guild? If so, Mythica sounds like the guild for you! More on the guild below:

We’re currently 9/9N 9/9H BoD. We’re in the process of building up our raid team to go into M.

We raid Wed - 21:45 - 01:00 SvT and Thurs- 21:45 - 01:00 SvT.

If you’re interested, you can reach out to us on the contacts below:


Have a good one!