[A] <Late Night Crew> LF raiders moving onto mythic

Good whatever time it is,

We are a late night guild looking for more raiders for our heroic raids so we can eventually move onto mythic. We already have a solid team and we just hit 6/10H and are solidifying our mythic team. We HEAVILY promote a semi-hardcore team that will eventually move onto mythic. Follow mechanics, do well, and play to have fun.

We raid thursday and friday, 9pm-12 PST (10pm-1am server time)

A list of what we currently need -
2 dps - 1 mage, and one dps that is willing to flex to tank when need be.
1 healer - 1 resto sham

PST Any of our officers [Heretics / / / Yamsrtasty / / / Vixlunaris / / / Waffilos / / / Bocktor, boctor, boktor] for more information. We’re always here to talk give us a shout out, thanks.