[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Twisted Rebels>

Is a 12/12M CE guild and currently 10/10N 8/10 Heroic Castle Nathria looking to dominate Shadowlands and push for Alliance Hall of Fame. We are looking for like minded people who share the same goal of being one of the best. While we are a hardcore guild we do understand people have real life obligations they need to tend to, and with that we try to be as flexible and work with everybody as much as possible. Despite pushing for Hall of Fame is also inviting casual players who want to find a home on Kel’thuzad to just chill and play the game at their own rate.

Raid times will be Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 9:30-12:30PM EST
You are expected to know these times and be willing to show up everyday to help down bosses. You will be benched for missing excessive amount of raid days without notifying any of the Officers or Raid Leader.
You are also expected to know the in’s and out’s of your class as well as its limitations and all the core mechanics in each raid tier.
You are expected to understand that even if you make the raid team you could be benched at any time for performance issues, attitude, or attendance issues.

We are actively recruiting all players and classes that are of caliber to compete for Hall of Fame in upcoming raid tiers. Please be ready to send and discuss your logs.

There will also be a casual heroic raid day on Saturdays at 7:30PM.

If you have any questions feel free to message the Recruitment officer on Discord Junkhead#5486 or on Battle.net Legacy#1426