[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Exclusive Outcasts> CE GUILD - Wed/Thurs. TWW Recruiting!

Looking for dps/healers!! Join US:D

I added you on battle.net!

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would love to talk to each other, we both might have an ideal situation between us with mythic opening cross-server.

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added you! :slight_smile:

Looking for healers! HMU :smiley:

Good morning! LF healers! :smiley:

join us! 7/9 :smiley:

6/9 M Resto Druid with enrage prog sub 20% smold exp, my guild just retired entirely due to recruitment conflict, and looking for a new home! sent a bnet request ^.^

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Looking for dps :slight_smile: 7/9 mythic!!

Looking for dps!/trials :slight_smile:

Looking for DPS and bench slots!!

LF raiders! DPS/heals

LF HEALERS AND BENCH SLOTS! :slight_smile: hit us up!

I like the large majority of people in this guild. Bump for whatever roles they require these days headed into a fresh season.

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Looking for healer/ bench slots! get a hold of me!

7/9 healer, mythic Fyrrak exp up to 62%
I sent you a friend request so we can catch up

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looking for raiders! join us!

Looking for dps!! JOIN US :smiley:

LOOKING FOR DPS/AUG/ BENCH SLOTS :smiley: hit me up!

looking for DPS/bench slots! HIT US UP!