[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Exclusive Outcasts> CE GUILD - Wed/Thurs. TWW Recruiting!

Looking for DPS/ bench slots :slight_smile:

LF dps/bench slots! join us!

JOIN US! Looking for mages/ havoc DH :]

join us! Looking for a havoc DH/ aug evoker :slight_smile:

LF mage or havoc DH :slight_smile: join us!

LF havoc dh/ aug evoker/ mage :slight_smile: join us!

Looking for raiders for the war within!! :smiley: join us!

JOIN US! LOOKING FOR DPS :smiley: Recruiting for TWW :slight_smile:

looking for 1 dps!? join us :]

added ur discord naughty im very interested and btag

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really want toi talk added on disc and btag

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LOOKING FOR DPS/ FILLER ROLES! TWW is going to be a blast

Great vibes in the guild! Looking for more peeps to join us! <3

This guild is the coolest

Love the guild long time very much so

LOOKING FOR DPS! Join us :smiley:

Primarily looking for a havoc demon hunter and a feral and/or balance druid! :slight_smile:

Looking for Havoc DH/ Feral/boomy druid! Anyone is welcome :smiley:

Amazing guild!

Looking for raiders! DH, evokers, RANGED DPS!