[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Exclusive Outcasts> CE GUILD - Wed/Thurs. TWW Recruiting!

Hey there i am a 424 Frost Mage looking for a home on KT are you still recruiting

We have a fat roster atm but bumping for skilled players, bench, and keys. We’re 3 bosses deep in mythic prog.

These gamers are the real deal! Best guild I have ever been a part of! Love yall :smile: :heart:

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Hey all! looking for more :slight_smile:

JOin us! looking for dps/healers :smiley:

LF DPS/HEALS! 6/9 19%! HIt us up :slight_smile:

jOIN US! need healers and maybe dps :slight_smile: 6/9 mythic!

6/9 12% smold!! LF HEALERS

need healers!! JOin us!! :smiley: 6/9 mythic

Looking for healers and bench players!

Bump our healers suck so they need replaced

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Looking for raiders!! Join us!! 6/9 12% :smiley:

Looking for people to raid!! JOIN US:D PLEASE!

Looking for healers and DPS :slight_smile: Join us!!

Join us!! LF healers/ dps :slight_smile:

Looking for DPS/healers!

Currently leveling mistweaver looking to play semi seriously/ casually because of my work schedule could run some keys and play on the bench if I’m capable. Gimme a shout

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What timezone are your raids? 8:30 PST?

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hit me up! add my discord or btag

8:30-12 eastern!