[A] [Kel'Thuzad] <Exclusive Outcasts> CE GUILD - Wed/Thurs. TWW Recruiting!

Let us do this thing

join us!! Recruiting for 10.2 gonna be a hype tier

JOIN US FOR 10.2 :D!! Looking for anything!

10.2 3 weeks away!!! JOIN US! :smiley:

LF healers/ aug evokers/DPS

Don’t trust this guild. They are both elitists and disloyal. They will kick pugs for laughs and drop you from a raid team to chase a meta even if the player in the meta class isn’t as good. They are petty and egotistic. DO NOT JOIN!

we have a burner! thanks for the publictity :open_mouth: LF DPS!

Pharal HOW are you still salty? you haven’t been here for 3 tiers now

LF AUG EVOKER!! 10.2 dropping soon!

i just sent a FR through Disc. i am also 8/9M with prog into p3 on sark. I am maining havoc DH now (ilvl 444) but plan to main ret for 10.2 (currently 435 but will be geared very quickly atrting the 7th. I look forward to our discussion.

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LF AUG EVOKERS/DPS/HEALERS! 10.2 soon :slight_smile:

LOOKING FOR HEALER/AUG EVOKER. 10.2 next week :smiley:

10.2 next week! blizzcon today!!! wooO! Join us for 10.2

Mistweaver here with a raid ready feral toon as well for 10.2! Sent Naughty a Btag request! My discord is Twoleafs#6188. Look forward to speaking with you & your team!!

Added on Bnet!

some real spicy comments in this. makes looking for a guild so much more enjoyable lol
curently looking, play mutiple classes. played DK before my break after a guild meltdown this tier.

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10.2 and new expansion hype!! Looking for raiders :slight_smile:

Not salty, just want to remind everyone that you’re all asses who think nothing of screwing someone over without even a thanks.

Just move on loool.

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not salty just want to remind everyone that I’m in denial about being salty also thanks for your completely unsolicited reading of the enhancement shaman spell book! It was good hearing from you, hope you’re doing well!