[A] IV Recruiting all! Tues/Thurs 6:30-9:30 EST

Hi all!

IV is a new guild primarily looking to get started in Sepulcher. Here’s a little background currently:

We’re currently a small group of friends with previous CE experience that no longer have the ability to play hardcore due to real life/responsibilities/adulthood :(. We’ve recently spent most of our time pugging, however we’re looking to build up a little community that we can all grow and complete raid/m+ etc.

We’re looking for anyone and everyone with an interest. We’re going to push for at least AOTC and perhaps into mythic as we grow. We also regularly run keys throughout the evenings.

Finally, I cannot stress enough that there will be growing pains, as we’re going to have to pug/recruit until we have a steady roster. Feel free to contact me with the info provided below!

Raid time: Tues/Thurs 6:30-9:30PM EST, optional/normal clears on weekend.

Discord: Windel#5306
Bnet: Windel#11363

Are you still looking for more folks? I sent a battle.net request so we can talk.

i sent one aswell

im xferring faction changing on my druid posted on dh above but if u want a druid im avaialble and rdy to pump