[A] <Impact> 10/10H 3/10M - Recruiting for core in 9.1

Frostmourne OCE Alliance

Current Prog: 1/10M 8/10H SoD

**Current Recruitment Needs: **Enh Shaman, H Pal

Raid Times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (8:30-11:30 ST)

Recruiting for 9.1 and current core roster. LF all exceptional players.
We have recently transferred from Saurfang with the best players from our core which were the top players in the server.

We are a close knit team that has previously raided on the Saurfang server in which we obtained CE In Nya and 9/10m in CN. We had then server transferred due to the harsh recruitment opportunities in Saurfang low pop to continue progression in Frostmourne.

If you are looking for a guild that has a strong core and chemistry then please contact me or Morbus on battlenet/disc

Pok Bnet: (JSX#11528) Discord: JSX#0777 Morbus Bnet: (x21n#1344) Discord: morbo#9999