[A] I'm Spanch. LF Mythic Guild! (Hunter)

Hunter LF a raiding group or Guild. Currently on WRA but willing to transfer.

466 equipped item level. AOTC. Pugged Maut and Wrathion on mythic. Have some really good parses (incl. a top 11 on Wrathion for my gear level). LF semi-hardcore guild that does 4-6.5 hours a week rn and planning to continue that into Shadowlands. Also wanting to do M+ (but not at all interested in PVP). About Me: I’m in my mid-20s, about to graduate college, and want to be a filmmaker when I grow up - but for now I’ll be stuck writing code. Thank you :slight_smile:

NOTE: !MUST! raid at or after 7pm Central time (8pm EST, 5pm PST).

Hey Spanch. We are the guild you are looking for. Add me Frostmage#1262. Let’s chat.