A Hypothetical RDF question

So i know we HATE comparing LFR to RDF, but there are certainly some similarities. In fact the flip side happened, where LFR went unused (i believe in WOD) when blizz departed from MOP’s compulsory LFR making it award basically nothing, and so noone did it and for the people that wanted it it was queu times of hours.

I never wanted it, so idc very much, but i could see the same happen to RDF, at what point would making groups become compulsory?

The difference is that LFR is explicitly tuned to be easier for LFR. And no LFR has always been run and the queue times are fine.

LFD dungeons are exactly the same difficulty whether you use LFD to get to then or preform a group and run.

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Beside the point. Wrath and the grouping systems it pioneered began the death of the community aspect of WoW. Its an MMO. It turned grouping into “push a button to get 4 bots generated that might manage to castrandom their way through a 5 man.”

And cross realm BGs cause the same level of damage as RDF does. You never KNOW the people youre forced into a group with via name or reputations. I TO THIS DAY remember the names and gear of the people i fought in BGs regularly that i had rivalries with. Like to the point where it was ON SIGHT rivalries.

Looking at you, Flutter from from Bonechewer and later Executus of Eye Candy. You too Darkmech of Vis Maior.

16+ years and i remember those men. Whether they remember me or not. Thats the kind of thing you lose with infinite cross realm garbage.

You should start a topic to remove that option from Wrath then. It is “some change” at this point It seems in line with this topic, just a different avenue.

im not talking about a specific nerf. Im talking about an end result. if that one nerf alone didnt ( and probably wouldnt) change the imbalance in efficiency making RDF compulsory.

At what point would it become compulsory in the opposite fashion? Like my WOD LFR example above? is 30% too much extra time? 50%? 100%?

which they are not.

in /played.

daily lockouts have nothing to do with /played.

i see nothing wrong with incentivizing guild play. Comparing LFG tool Pugs to RDF in gearing speed /played is the only thing that makes sense, guild play should always be preffered and rewarded above all else.

this is exactly the point of this thread, not you derailing it. shoo.

Players having a preference doesn’t make something compulsory. Raid Logging is very efficient in gametime. People also prefer it. Is raid logging now compulsory?

Two different systems LFR isn’t what you are talking about nor does it compare. As LFR is a system in which the difficulty of the dungeon is lowered and on top of which you are rewarded every time you wipe until you are able to clear the boss. Assuming of course that it remained the same system from the one time I tried it(not entirely sure if it keeps the wipe buff).

If LFR throws players into normal difficult dungeons we could talk(To be entirely honest an LFR that throws players into normal with personal loot would probably be a counter for the GDKP runs everyone seems to want to destroy. Likely wouldn’t, but it would be a viable option).

For DPS they were. I takes about the same time for DPS to form a group as it does for them to queue. The gearing time would be exactly the same. The only people who would gear “faster” in /played (not in actual dungeons cleared) are healers and tanks. Who get faster queues because they are the minority players. Just because a minority benefits in some fashion doesn’t mean the majority should suffer because of them.

and what takes precedence the fastest “manual” player or the slowest? There is a vast difference between the two. One in which there is none and one in which there is a lot. Like I said a Tank/Healer looking for 3 DPS matches that of RDF.

why SHOULD 5mans give you bis? that’s dumb. you don’t need bis for 5mans.

I feel its safe to assume they meant pre-raid bis here

Sure give people better loot if they want to form their own groups. Doesn’t make a difference to me. I just want to queue up on my 2 tanks and 2 healers through a RDF tool to spam dungeons for fun. I want to play all the dungeons not just the meta dungeons etc.


Yea, pretty sure they meant pre-raid BiS.

People are out there on the beta scouting out the new lfg tool, man.

Worst case cenario they can revert back to rdf i guess. Personally, I don’t foresee people having issues finding groups for heroics at all…

I would agree, heroics will likely be easy to find. I am more concerned about all the dungeons from 1-79 going to waste.

I was in the vanilla classic beta, and I thought about raising several points upon where vanilla’s design could’ve been improved upon – at the time, everyone; myself included, figured the game was better without any changes at all.

Of course, that was before I encountered the many myriad ways players had learned to abuse vanilla’s systems after time. As a result of there being no changes, it didn’t feel like Vanilla’s gameplay was preserved as well as I had hoped.

It’s good to see the developers coming off that ledge and implementing targeted changes which seek to polish classic systems and modernize them without entirely breaking down everything that makes classic what it is.

I’m interested to see how that plays out going forward.

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It’s your choice.

It really isn’t.

But whoever ultimately does hold the power to make these decisions going forward should do so with as much information as possible in order to produce the best possible outcome.

Best, here, meaning a wide variety of different things; monetary considerations, yes – but also moral ones. Progress for progress’ sake doesn’t necessarily arrive at an ideal metaphysical location.

In the end, I believe a moral justification is always more powerful than a monetary one; and the implication that one should have to choose between them best demonstrates the problem inherent in all things.

It shouldn’t be an evolutionary concept to suggest that those two disparate inspirations had ought to align, even if it is.

Still so many rdf threads. It does not matter what people think. It does not matter what people’s opinions are with for or against rdf.

The devs decided to not add it and that’s the end of the discussion.


Unfortunately, we’ve entered into a realm of discussion that never ends, but rather always seeks to propose a better solution than has ever been available based upon the premise of lessons learned in the past.


My guy I would still use rfd if it made me take a 500 badge loan and I had to spam dungeons until I had made 500 badges just so I can finally start purchasing gear. It would be worth it solely to have rfd for my low level alts. Dungeon gear is only going to be relevant maybe the first month. The ease and functionality rfd would bring for the rest of Wotlk’s lifespan would be worth any extra cost at the start.

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Maybe I’ mmisunderstanding. Are you asking if I’d be okay with non RDF users getting better rewards than RDF users consistently.

Because yes I would, if it meant I didn’t have to fly to do my heroics every day on 4 characters while finding groups for them all and not tilting myself into oblivion after an hour of waiting on each.


Imagine a world where everyone just took the people in powers’ decisions and never pursued anything else. We would still be sitting here with basic human rights not being recognized. Thankfully we live in this world where we are free to continue pursuing and trying to convince others of our views.