A Hypothetical Countersolution to Horde Governance

I am someone who is fine with the Council form of government that the Horde has recently implemented. It is a good way to assure that someone with a minority opinion does not enforce it upon the greater populace. Though it was mentioned in BFA that the majority of the Horde were backing Sylvanas in her position as Warchief. Should the majority of the Council have such an opinion someday, in which she used to cause the war, then there may be no stopping of yet another repeat of what has happened. This is something that occurred to me when reading another thread.

The leaders of the Horde might not represent their own people’s interests. When a new generation comes to replace the Council members, it may be that their opinions are opposite of those who came before them. The next generation might not be taught by their leaders but by their parents, the ones who supported Sylvanas in her nihilistic policies. If the leaders can’t prevent their people from committing the mistakes of the past then a different leadership would have to be put in place to remedy such. It is then that an extreme solution may have to be put into place.

  1. Execute or imprison for life all leaders of the Horde faction; permanently exile all professional military officers.

  2. For a period of 20 years or more utilize the bulk of the present Horde military as rehabilitation labor units in devastated areas of the Alliance. These laborers should not be treated as prisoners of war or convicts but as paid employees (supervised and restricted as to movement from the area of their work). They might be allowed the privilege of naturalization upon evidence of good behavior. The single men should be permitted to marry only women of the nation of their abode or naturalization.

The families of the men already married should remain in Orgrimmar for a period of years, but might eventually be permitted to join the fathers. The latter should not be allowed to return to Orgrimmar. The objects of this measure include neutralization of Horde aggressiveness and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.

  1. Break up the Horde into its separate nations, permitting each, after a suitable interval of supervision and government by the Alliance, to return to its own form of government. The object of this measure is to destroy the national framework of unified Horde aggression.

  2. During the period of supervision and occupation of the several nations by militaries and civilians of the Alliance, encourage members of these groups to intermarry with the Horde and to settle there permanently. During this period encourage also the immigration and settlement in the Horde nations of non-Horde nationals.


While I like this solution mostly, I have to ask what you mean by “the families of the men” and why the restrictions only apply to the males when there females among the rank and file plus officers also responsible for Horde crimes against the Alliance. Shouldn’t the single women also be permitted to marry only men of the nation of their abode or naturalization (not sure about the marriage restriction part).


They might have children they left behind

Because toxic masculinity


I see what you’re really doing, and I approve of your means and methods.

That is all.


The Hooten plan sounds like something Garithos would like.

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Probably not since it’d involve Blood Elves marrying Humans


Very true.

Another solution is to allow Horde citizens to go to Stormwind and study Alliance philosophy. Then, a group of educated citizens will create a political party, and overthrow the Horde Council. It can be called the People’s Party of the Horde. The party may be split into two factions that hate each other. They will work together to overthrow the Horde Council in an event known as the Sour revolution. When the premier of said parry, becomes too extreme, the Alliance could simply invade the country and install their own leader. The Alliance and the Horde army would need to deal with rebel cells who use technology paid for by loyalists.

Loosely based on the start of the Soviet-Afghan War. Seems no one got that.

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