A Hypothetical - Cancelling Afrasiabi

Most people are not going to go through a whole thread and read every post. If by time number 5 you did not find the need to go back and further clarify your point, i feel like at that point your inviting more people to do the same thing.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If you dont go back and clarify your original post after 5 times of clarifying it in the thread. Whos fault is that if someone comes in and does not understand it correctly?

The art is separate from the artist unless the art itself is the problem in question, and even then it has to be taken in the context of the time it was produced.

I think even if an artist has problematic behavior or opinions should still be allowed to produce their art as long as their transgressions were not illegal. However if this art is a collaboration by different artists they have the right to remove the bad actor going forward but don’t have the right to replace/remove the existing art.

This is the universal approach I have to these situations.
In short fire Alex but leave his work alone.


My point proven exactly here. this is going to be time number 7 you are going to have to explain, and we LITERALLY just covered this above.

I can’t solve the problem of people not reading the title.

I’m sorry, I have led the horses to water, they’re just not drinking.

The only way to answer your hypothetical is to have a chart detailing every single quest or piece of lore that Alex was directly or indirectly involved with in any noticeable capacity.
if you had those facts ready for us to look through you would get a more on topic discussion because otherwise its just us theorizing using facts pulled from our backside.


We know Afrasiabi is behind, explicitly, two pieces of lore:

  • Stonetalon Garrosh (he disagreed with Garrosh Bad Arc)
  • Sylvanas was behind Wrathgate (never revealed in-game, mentioned as a rumor in Chronicles, revealed only in a dev interview)

Given how Stonetalon ended (nuking the Night Elf tree) and Wrathgate (plaguing Horde and Alliance) I would bet he is also behind:

  • Bombing of Theramore
  • Burning of Teldrassil
  • Horde players using Plague on the Alliance + raising their own forces
  • Putting the Horde as responsible for Brennadam in Stormsong
  • Vulpera being burned alive by the Alliance (which was removed Alliance-side, but kept in-game Horde-side)

edit: it’s like there’s a recurring theme


If Alex was part of the group that wanted Garrosh to not use dishonorable acts (like Garrosh telling off Sylvanas in Silverpine) or executing a general for killing kids then why in the world would he be the same person involved with those two events?

They are the very events that seems to go against the Garrosh/Orc bad Arc.


Given the current accusations regarding his behavior in the workplace, the fact that he shows a pattern of villainizing female characters after throwing them through life-altering traumatic events, while simultaneously exonerating the hyper-masculine characters who, in some cases, was responsible for said traumatic events… is hella disturbing.

I don’t think I need to spell-out the implications here.


On the simple association he seems to be partial to using IRL-style war crimes in game to prove some point (biological warfare, total destruction of a settlement via explosion), something we rarely saw outside of those two confirmed instances.

Dude was petty.

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But his interpretation seemed to be opposed to those.
If you said Alex was behind the MoP Garrosh then I would understand your point. But he seems to be on the side of the Garrosh fans actually liked. Not the crazy lunatic racist MoP produced.


Quoting myself from another thread:

Once Danuser & Co. “won” and Garrosh was to be bad and a German Fascist Metaphor (itself a problematic angle from Golden since Garrosh being Fascist was because he was too Orcish, which is problematic), doing something like nuking Theramore as “vengeance” to those devs seems like something he would do.

So your theory is Alex after being outvoted said “Ok you want a bad guy? I will make you a bad guy you wont forget.” pretty much spiteful compliance?


Speculation sure, but look at how he spoke about Sylvanas in 2018, or how he responded to that woman asking for less sexualized woman heroes in 2010.

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I remember seeing that question. She didn’t ask for less sexualizing of female characters, she asked for them to be made purposefully less attractive.
And with a game with such stylized characters it is hard to do unless you make something like Ashvane.


Are women who aren’t in a Victoria’s Secret catalogue not attractive? Is Victoria’s Secret the apex of “attraction”? Why?

That’s what I said.

If she asked why is Sylvanas running around in a bikini in a battlefield then thats sexualization of a character.

Its different that comically asking why are their characters made to be attractive even though all characters (even player characters) are made to be attractive.

The intent of the question was quite clear. We aren’t going to argue semantics.


That’s what she said. Victoria’s secret is an underwear and swimming suit company in particular, ergo the reference.

You’re being intentionally obtuse, for the hundredth time.


The intent was to mockingly say the Characters are too beautiful.
Hence why they joked about what magazine the Tauren would appear in. You are bending yourself backwards to make an argument she didn’t.
All she had to say “Why does X and Y wear bikini armor” No need to make Victoria’s Secret models as basis. Maybe its because you are not american but this is used as a joking way of describing someone of attaining almost unattainable beauty rather than sexualization.

Edit: Let me extend an olive branch.
If she had asked “Why is it that wow female characters are wearing armor right out of a Victoria’s Secret Catalogue?” it would mean these women are wearing lingerie rather than proper clothing.
She says model. Not clothing or clothing items.


Absolutely false, that’s a horrible misreading of a woman asking an honest question.


It really isn’t. I am telling you are wrong by presenting arguments and evidence. All you are doing is saying “nuhun! Not true!” with no arguments or proof. I even extended an olive branch to the Victoria’s Secret reference.

Really? Baal flag me for that post?