A Hypothetical - Cancelling Afrasiabi

You mean the ones that got hidden in transmedia narrative, were established in tweets and interview answers, or was it the one that was punctuated by an aggressively bad cinematic that they waited to release until just before the Shadowlands launch?

Again, the resources go to showing hypermasculine orcs defeating feminine elves. When it’s time to portray the opposite, those resources magically aren’t there. That’s disparate treatment.

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If you can show me a single Night Elf victory in-game, where the Night Elves don’t call upon supernatural aid, or aid from PC or other Alliance races. Then you might have a point. I don’t think you can find any such thing though.

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This is a stupid stupid idea. Yes, alex did some very bad things, no that does not invalidate all of his work on the game and give reason for it to be removed.

If you recall, HP lovecraft himself had some very very uncouth opinions in his younger years, that he later repented on and admitted he was wrong and felt bad about it, do those actions invalidate that he is the grandfather of cosmic, eldrich, and the vast majority of all scifi horror to date? No, does it mean we should rip his works from the annals of time and scifi horror legacy? if you dont think so, i would ask then why would it be different for alex’s case?

Im not defending him, what he did was wrong, objectively, but that does not discredit the fact that he put in good work into the game that does not deserve to be removed.

  1. It does force everyone to recognize that his mythos is a product of his racial paranoia, which he himself later admitted to and disavowed later in life (when he became a communist, fun fact).
  2. Similarly, like Lovecraft and Tolkien recognizing the racism/anti-Semitism in their works and regretting it, we should have that moment of transparency for WoW. What parts of the lore were directly motivated by and produced from that deep-seated misogyny and racism being reported?

and again, there’s three separate issues:

That second point category I listed should 100% be purged, as well as specific lines that exacerbate the theme, e.g. how the Helya section ends in the Legend of Odyn.


Again, i would ask you, knowing that, does that some how invalidate the work they created?
Knowing that and recognizing that, does it somehow remove the fact that Tolkins work is the grandfather of all western fantasy settings?

Nobody is invalidating and Afrasiabi wasn’t the singular writer of WoW. It’s a team of people that includes Black women and Latino guys and Queer people and more.

Nobody has suggested this.

By having a call to remove anything that alex worked on, from the game, you are. you are effectively saying your work is no longer valid and we are going to remove it.

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That is literally not what I said.

Oh no no no no you misunderstand im not saying specifically to you, im referring to the op and the quoted post about the idea of just removed everything he did.

Then why are you responding to me as if I’m agreeing with the OP when I have stated otherwise and you’ve been quoting and responding to me?

You also misunderstood me then. I’ve said four times, now five, that this is a hypothetical as to what would happen, not that it should.

I had assumed you were, I did not read the whole thread as i was directly responding to the OP. By replying to me, i assumed you were of the stance of the OP.

And im responding to the hypothetical.

My answer to hypothetically it should not be removed.

This issue with if you do want to do that and lets say they go about yeah anything he touched we are removing, well that creates another question in the works.

To what degree of Alex’s involvement is considered to much and need to be removed? Anything he personally created by himself? Co-created? anything he advised? anything he simply commented on?

The issue in the hypothetical is that what you are asking for itself is a moving target, what would be defined as “what he worked on.”


No, you’re not. You’re condemning the idea rather than engaging with the question that this thread was created to ask: of what WoW would look like if it went through.

Whether you agree with the idea of trying to purge all of Afrasiabi’s work from the game is a separate conversation.

Yes because i think its a stupid idea to even suggest such a thing.

But my question to idea of “Well what if we just did do that” what would be considered anything he touched? Because depending on what that answer is would give you the answer to your question of what would be different, would we even notice?

If its anything he alone worked on, then the odds are not very much, unless he personally wrote/created very key story points/quests. Imagine if the green hills of strengelthron was removed? Thats a pretty well known quest. Vs if we just removed say some random fetch quest he made, im sure no one would notice.

Now if the answer to the question of “What ever he worked on” is, anything he touched or co-created, i think you would vastly see a change in wow as we know it.

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Glad that we clarified that this was in fact what you were doing. So now for the sixth time, I will reiterate - because apparently people aren’t getting this - this is a hypothetical, not a call for it to happen.

Past that, your question on scope would be a fine caveat to include in your answer. I lean towards “whatever he touched or co-created”, personally, but we could certainly have a conversation that limits the scope of what we’re talking about.

Just again, I really wish people would stop reacting as though the thread is calling for a sweeping cancellation event. It has no opinion on whether that should take place.

To that point, i would say that if you had to explain it 6 times? its most likely an error is how it was asked. But again, that’s not the topic i see.

Before we can have the conversation of what would we notice, we definitly would need to know what consists of everything he worked on first.

If we go with what you suggest, anything he touched or co created, IF, and this is a big if here, IF we could some how find a list of every item and quest he ever touched, in any capacity, odds are a massive chunk of the game would be cut.
Imagine wow with out…the hand of ragnarose or if the ashes of alar were removed. or the entire quest chain of say, drustvar were taken out, these are very very big parts of wow, that would definitly go noticed if they were missed out removed.

If you narrow that down to anything he personally created, again, really depends on what he personally created by himself if its going to be noticeable or not.

Its a question that no one can really provide a good answer to, because its to broad.

I mean, the thread is stated as a hypothetical in the title. This was the text of the OP:

I don’t know how things possibly could have been clearer. I think people just want to argue against the idea of cancellation and were less concerned with what the topic was actually about.

By clarifying it.

“This is not about if its a good or bad idea just a thought exercise of what if we did do this?”

I did clarify it, four times before you jumped in - the conversation bulldozed every single one of those clarifications.