A Hypothetical - Cancelling Afrasiabi

Behold, story forum discourse in the year of our lord 2021


it’s hard to have pity for human genocide when the last 20 years have been filled with stories of the humans overcoming their genocide and dominating every other race in this franchise because of that glorious human potential.


They haven’t though. That’s the thing. You’re mistaking screen time for development.

Night Elf fans clearly know what I’m talking about since Night Elves got plenty of screen time the past couple expansions but they obviously aren’t happy with it.


no, I just think that if it didn’t specifically happen in World of Warcraft it’s not relevant anymore. The genocide of the Night Elves is the first time most WoW fans have encountered story on this scale. Yes it happened to the humans in WC1 but that was a long time ago and by the time WoW came around Stormwind was rebuilt and the humans were doing alright.


I think that this is a completely arbitrary distinction that’s only ever used to marginalize some groups over others.

To say nothing of the fact that you can’t completely sever the events of prior games from WoW anyway. The only reason Teldrassil existed to get burned was because of the events of the RTS games.


Humans are hardly marginalized in World of Warcraft.

Humans have the distinction of being the one race that is actually based on white Europeans.

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If you’re going to say “things from before WoW don’t count because that’s where the worst things to happen to humanity occurred” you are absolutely marginalizing humans and aren’t even trying to hide it.

This is changing as humans in-game depiction becomes increasingly diverse and it’s being applied retroactively as well.


The utter decimation of the human Kingdoms occurred in the Warcraft story, even if it’s not specifically in World of Warcraft itself.

It’s pretty damned stupid to come to the story forum and argue that story is less valid because it happened earlier, or to a race that has received more broad story attention (although I’d argue the Kingdom of Stormwind has received far less development than the Dumb-Cast-Of-Regular-Characters. We learned a lot about Varian and Anduin, but in terms of the inner workings of human societies I’d argue humans and night elves are treated about equally lol


Humans literally reclaimed Stromgarde, took Lordaeron. Got a complete revamp if Uther’s Tomb. The human Kingdom of Kul Tiras was center stage for Alliance storytelling in BFA, and imo, the only GOOD thing in that entire expantion. Anduin, Uther, Alexandros, Bolvar, and Jaina all play major or semi-major roles in Shadowlands.

And yet, here we are, some human fan boo hooing about how horrible Humans have it because undead exist.

just because I’m marginalizing the importance of humans doesn’t mean the narrative does. Humans have dominated the narrative, they are not a marginalized race in WoW. if anything they take up too much of the Alliances screen time as it is.

The same can be said about orcs for the Horde.

it’s more like oversaturating the narrative.


Night Elves reclaimed Darkshore, are on track to reclaim the rest of their lands as well, got Hyjal (which is of far greater historical significance than Teldrassil anyway) and got a bunch of badass cinematics where they relentlessly kick Horde rears. They got the killing blow on Nathanos, and have gotten the spotlight in Shadowlands as they liberate Night Elf souls and Tyrande ninja-flips around Sylvanas.

You’re doing the same thing where people list the above and say “why aren’t you happy yet?”


Just reposting these because there hasn’t been a good answer to them at all, and I think the summary of what Nelves had to endure these last 2 expansions is important so people can understand why nelves are so angry.


as a military base, not a Kingdom, not yet at any rate. About as valid as night elves reclaiming Darkshore.

It was literally blighted into oblivion. Anduin, Genn, Jaina and Alleria getting to have a little walk in the Throne Room doesn’t count as a victory or a restoration of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. It doesn’t repair the genocide.

As a culturally distinct offshoot of mainland human culture (which is varied in and of itself) I’d say this is about as relevant as taking the Nightborne and calling them Night Elf development.

From an in-universe, story perspective the events that happened to humanity during the Third War were horrendous and tragic. I don’t think that should be made invalid because you’ve got personally hurt feelings about your favourite race.


You have no source for this at all.

They had Hyjal since WC3. Unlike humans with Stromgard, Hyjal is still the same in-game, and Darkshore only gets an empty auberdine inn and dock.


Really? Badass is the adjective you use? Are you sure?

You miss the part where much of what you listed served Kaldorei culture erasue. Humans have not had to deal with any such thing.

Looks like a Kingdom to me.

Looks a hell of a lot more of a Kingdom than preBFA

Nothing repairs genocide. But you got what Nelf fans never got to have. Revenge against the one who commit that Genocide, and got to march into that Throneroom victoriously. Neither of those things Night Elves will ever get. Hell, humans got it instead of the Forsaken… Who are those who actually suffered that Genocide, not the humans of WoW.

Except they are still human and have been part of human lore since WC2.

And that is not going to be undone. But humans got what no other race has, and that is justice.

This is incorrect. Both humans and Forsaken suffered the genocides of the Third War, but the Forsaken chose to continue to perpetuate them in the aftermath, not just against humans, but against Night Elves as well. You of all people should get that.


No, it is correct.

The Forsaken are humans who died during the Scourging of Lordaeron. They are the actual victims of it. While there are some humans surviving now, the vast majority of humanity are humans from Stormwind.

Which happened first? the Forsaken plaguing surviving human villages. Or humans launching crusades of extermination against them? Refusing to acknowledge their rightful claim to Lordaeron as people who have lived within it’s borders their entire life?

We all know what happened since BFA, but you are the one who has been wanting to talk about 20 year old lore from a totally separate game. So lets talk about. What happened first? And who was going to exterminate the survivors of Silvermoon while they were at it?


That’s literally incorrect because you’re ignoring the timeline of events from Warcraft 1 through to 3 and then to WoW. By the time Warcraft 3 happened there were barely any “Humans of Stormwind” left, having been mostly wiped out by their own genocide in the First War.

The current population of Stormwind is overwhelmingly Lordaeronian in origin, and the influx of people from the north is the reason Stormwind became so powerful after Warcraft 3.

The first thing that happened between humans and Forsaken was humans entering into an alliance with them on their word alone, and the Forsaken backstabbing and exterminating them the moment they didn’t need them anymore.

Before you try to comment on the particulars of Human-Forsaken relations or of the aftermath of the wars in the Eastern Kingdoms you should probably at least try to get your basic facts right, although I know that’s a tall order for you because it would mean reading about humans.


Also, I think that you should sit there and ask yourself, if you were speaking to a genocide survivor IRL, if you would say to them “you aren’t really a victim of genocide because you survived.”

By this logic we can say that the Night Elves weren’t victims of genocide either, and the only ones who can claim to be are the Dark Wardens that were converted into Forsaken.


And a reminder that the Forsaken literally built and maintained an actual, Holocaust-inspired extermination camp for humans in Hillsbrad. You can go and visit it in-game right now. And some people on the forums have the gall to claim that there’s no genocide, and that if there was it was because the humans deserved it.

I don’t think that you really comprehend just how repulsive a lot of the rhetoric you’ve been using is, and how the only reason you haven’t gotten a very long forum vacation is because we’re talking about fictional events.