A Hypothetical - Cancelling Afrasiabi

Yes but that’s normally attributed to the old horde. Worgen and night elves are victims of modern horde genocide.


Pretty much every group of humans in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms has been subjected to some form of ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Forsaken, with varying success depending on their ability to fight back.

And pretty much every human alive right now is a survivor of the genocide perpetrated by the Scourge or the child of a survivor of said genocide.

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Maybe. That would be the optimistic perspective.

The pessimistic perspective would be the assumption that they were always somewhat self aware, and are simply waiting for all this to blow over before resuming their previous behavior.


Yeah, i’m afraid is most likely how it’s gonna be. Enjoy the peace while it lasts I guess.

You don’t see how destroying a town is inferior to attacking or destroying a city?

My point is that worgen and night elf fans are dealing with a unique type of narrative frustration.

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That’s why I said with varying degrees of success. And that’s ignoring people like me who still consider the events of TFT as relevant.

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Everyone take a moment of silence for the humans of Azeroth. Because clearly, they have the problems that really matter right now /Sarcasm

This constant refrain of “our genocide is more important than your genocide” is one of the most annoying (and kind of gross) things about Night Elf posters right now.


Yeah their own Prince leads the Scourge to wipe out his people - a Genocide committed by their own ruler against their own people.

The High Elves were wiped out by that same Human Prince btw - but let’s cry for Lordaeron.

“Your Genocide” was committed by one of “your leaders” - and then he committed another genocide to another race.

Are you seriously going to sit here and post about how genocides aren’t as bad if they’re perpetrated by a government against its own population? You know, the way that the majority of IRL genocides have been perpetrated?


It has nothing to do with which is bad or not… it is where the blame lies.

The Alliance is to blame for the genocide of the Humans of Lordaeron and the High Elves of Quelthalas, for giving enough power to an evil brat, that he could even go to Northrend with an army and grab the sword in the first place.

It isn’t about which is worse - it is about who is to blame. And the Alliance slaughtered itself. The Horde may have been a part of some of the Alliance’s genocides, but the Alliance did some to themselves. It isn’t all the Horde’s fault.

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When humans lose their most populated settlement, in the process losing the Blessings of the Dragon Aspects which granted them resistance to non-magical diseases, renewed fertility, strength and vitality, easy access to the Emerald Dream, as well as a large percentage of their total population. When the humans suffer that sort of loss that, from a narrative perspective, was one among one of the most asinine utilization of culture erasure for the shallow purpose of shock value and development of a totally different race. And when the bit of development they do get from such a tragedy results in absolutely nothing other than to further the long running joke of their ineptitude. Then, MAYBE then, we can say the humans have a right to complain.

But right now, Humans have not suffered such a thing since Warcraft was a completely different Genre of games, and main characters were the fathers and grandfathers of current main characters.

And even then, humanity still tried to genocide the Orc, Undead and the Blood Elves in the that time. So humans and their fans can go suck an egg for all I care.

As for right now. Yes, our genocide is more important than yours.

Of course not. Gaming culture is toxic as hell, as male-dominated industries like tech. If they aren’t belittling women, they are patronizingly white-knighting them. It takes years to “clean out” such settings, and zero-tolerance policies only slow that method down because they breed resentment.


This happened twice. 3 times depending on demographic information we don’t have.

so did this

Yes, this is pretty much what happened, although I don’t think it was asinine, I think it was a legitimate story development.

Yes, that was Cataclysm Forsaken questing in a nutshell.

Stop acting like the Night Elves are the first and only group in the game to get served a crap sandwich. At this point it’s practically a rite of passage in the Alliance.


Address it in it’s entirety or do not address it at all. Because if you have to take snipped bits of the total experience in an attempt to try and compare, then it is not comparable.

You listed a bunch of things you claimed never happened to humans and I corrected you when I pointed out that, in fact, most of what you listed has happened to humans.

The only thing that hasn’t happened is humans losing some kind of divine/supernatural strength and immortality or whatever that apparently the Night Elves don’t have anymore, which seems to suggest that you frame your “this genocide is more important than other genocides” assertions from a sense of racial superiority over other genocide victims, because they weren’t as good as Night Elves and so their deaths aren’t as meaningful.

Which is, to be blunt, barf.


I was listing off things that happened to night elf just in the last expansion. Near current content. Things that are happening right now. You are reaching back almost 2 decades just to have a pot to piss in. It is not even close.

I can keep going with all the things that has happened to the Night Elves. I really could. There is a reason why the Nelf community has been talking about sexism in Blizzard stories LONG before this lawsuit came out. There is a reason the Nelf RP community has vanished in a puff of smoke even before Shadowlands went live. There is a reason why humans are the most played race in the Alliance. It is because they don’t need to reach back a decade to list off something bad happening to them.

For everyone reading this.
Nelf Fans
Forsaken fans
Tauren fans
Troll fans
Gnome gans
Goblin fans
Worgen fans

Imagine for a moment what it must be like to have to reach back more than an IRL decade to find an example of something that didn’t quite go your way. Just imagine that absolute dream. Now, imagine the worst of it is the loss of a couple villages that no one cared about anyway… And to find something of more substance, you need to reach back to a time when Warcraft was an entirely different genre of game. Imagine that!

And yet, here we are. Forced to endure the rambling of this entitled mad man who thinks this is entirely reasonable comparison to make. Who speaks as if lamentings about the story regarding non-human races should be waved aside because “Well, this happened to humanity 20 irl years ago”

I shouldn’t have to be the one to break this to you, but you are not entitled to be the absolute center of attention all the time. This is more important than something that happened in another decade in another game.

Ah yes, now we have the inevitable “my genocide is more legitimate than your genocide because mine happened more recently” to go along with “my emotional attachments are more legitimate than your emotional attachments because they’re mine” when confronted with the fact that your claims were straight up incorrect.

At this point, it’s you who is engaged in genocide denial. Thankfully, only in the context of a fake video game world at least.

I’d be shocked but not really, given that you also posted

And have the sheer gall to sit here and preen as though you’re the reasonable party here. You deny genocides of humans because you hate humans and believe they all deserve to die.




and yes.