A Hypothetical - Cancelling Afrasiabi

Ogrimmar is in dire need of a complete revamp. However it has something that Stormwind never had: Nostalgia from long-time players. To this day I hear about how people are still mad about losing the Auction House roof to hang out on.

Stormwind however had the nasty reputation of being the Mcdonalds or Coors Light of fantasy. You go to a new, exotic land, and you eat and drink the same swill you did at home? When I had a job that involved traveling, the above crowd’s opinion was always discarded and vetoed. Because they’d spend all their time in the American Tourist section and say said foreign country was “meh.”


Part of why I love The Witcher a lot is seeing humans that are actually interesting. Actual meaningful politics. Shades of grey. Bad people that might be “good” as far just helping with worse things. Humans actually acting like RL humans would in having a bad tendency to needlessly butcher mythical creatures that they just don’t understand.


I have to hard disagree. I am a Horde main since Vanilla, and that Stormwind music is still enough to almost stop my heart. I guess the city itself is what ever… but that music is beautiful. The Org music is sort of like - yup, that is dusty old Org.

And it was the bank roof.

I have a screen shot of my Night Elf Druid sneaking in to Org and chillin on the bank roof on the last night before Org was remodeled - because just having a Horde Character there for the last Screen Shot wasnt special enough. I wanted the effort of sneaking in.

It is one of my more cherished Screen Shots. I spent alot of time on that roof.

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Invincible’s Reins is an anagram of Alex Afrasiabi, you should remove that mount from the game too

In my best Trade Chat dialect :

I guess he named it Invincible because you can’t see the As.

(Yes - I know it is not invisible. That’s the old joke, for you youngins)

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what a dumb idea.

Thank God, Blizzard doesn’t listen to General discussion.

Welp, looks like they scrubbed about as much of him out of the game as they are willing to. Enjoy not being terrorized by his name not being attributed to out of date gear, quests, and NPC’s.

You would be hard pressed to find any race that meets the criteria you set forth. What makes the NE so special?

I mean any and all outlets.

Oh, I’m not saying sexist stories don’t exist. I’m saying pin pointing despicable stories to a despicable person is murky. Let’s take “Hush Tyrande,” or Uther’s “Careful, girl” to Sylvanas for example, IIRC the current cinematic narrator is either Terran or Christie’s job.

How do we:

  1. identify that “Hush Tyrande” or “Careful, girl” is even sexist
  2. identify that this is indeed that person’s piece of work
  3. identify this person is despicable.

I personally know next to nothing about the process. Is the story presented to a group of without a conflict of interest, is it implemented in a bubble, are over arching themes created from the top, who blesses off on the work, who doesn’t.

I’m at least hoping they are more transparent with the changes they plan to make. I mean purging the world of a word or an NPC is one thing, but what you’re implying is something a bit more grand.

This is too murky for me.

I’ve always really honed in on those parts of the story I love. I promise if the story wasn’t good I would not be here PERRIOTT. I honestly don’t know why people stick around if they hate the story so much. It doesn’t make sense to me.

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LOL, a single victory? One win? That is to much to ask? You are delusional.

I have talked about it at nauseum at this point… Let me see if I can copy paste something I already said to explain this.

Addition: Night Elves are Matriarchal. Most of their racial leaders are some form of Girl Boss trope. Myself and many people I know see them as a beacon of girl power in Azeroth, and something of feminist icons. And they have certainly received the kind of treatment detailed above.

“Only the Goddess may forbid me anything” Are words to live by for any girl.

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Ignore Deathisfinal. They operate on a very simply binary of “If Sylvanas, it good. If not Sylvanas, not good.” This BS they are recently pushing that they actually were a fan of “Ranger General” Sylvanas is complete horsecrap.


You added “supernatural aid,” which rules out things such as demon blood, loas, iris, etc etc etc. You also added “help from other races,” races aid one another consistently in WoW.

NEs are not special in that regard.

I’m not gonna pretend to agree your entire your pov about the NE, but I think that we can at least agree that when these things have been identified by people of power closer to the problem that something needs to be done.

You still mad huh? LMAO!!!

Everyone here has google and boolean logic.

Thanks for the confirmation that you’re just a troll.

Sureeeeeee, because I’m totally asking people to ignore you, and calling you a liar over something that is easily searchable on google.

but I’m the troll right ahahahahahahahahah!!!

Leave me alone and stop trying to bully me; you’re wasting your time.

This is you with Sylvanas, and it has always ever been the sum of what you post. You are just a sycophantic fanboy for one specific hyper-fixation and it is pretty sad. The Alliance, Horde, Forsaken, etc. all of it doesn’t matter one iota to you in comparison to your Banshee Waifu. You are the worst kind of fan, unable to see past one single, badly written character to engage with the rest of the franchise. Go touch grass.

Forsaken conquest of Gilneas and Southshore fit all those criteria.
Horde conquest conquest of Theramore fits that criteria, as it was masterminded by the Warcheif from start to finish, other races didn’t come to his aid because he couldn’t do it on his own.
War of Thorns was the complete and utter defeat of the Night Elves, when in return, Lordaeron was had Sylvanas making a valiant and brilliantly executed escape at the end, nearly killing several main characters in the process.
Dwarves have Bael Modan, both it’s initial founding and it’s vengence. Gnomes have Gnomergan, aside from a Dungeon, which was only a single attack in what was a several year long struggle, which the Gnomes did completely on their own. Humans have the High King of the Alliance, despite he being the least qualified. And despite being the shortest lived and least capable Alliance race, humans dominate the Alliance in every way. Same can be said for the Orcs Hordeside.

I can keep going, but to summarize. Yes, NEs are special in this regard. Full stop.

You trying to bullying me is useless. You should know that by now.

You know everyone here has google and boolean logic right? They can easily google me name and ranger general, you know that right? You’re just here to bully and troll me; get a life.

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I certainly consider Val’kyr and blight supernatural and powerful weapons.

Focusing Iris and a combined effort

Combined effort with 2 of the most notorious war generals on Azeroth be backed by leaders such as Blightcaller.

Like yeah I’m reading the rest of you list and they’re not adding up to the criteria you gave. Maybe we squeeze one or two in there, maybe, but its not certainly not an easy task.

Forsaken’s own merits. The difference is, Val’kyr ARE forsaken, and Blight is something the Forsaken created. If Night Elves have any such aid, it is something outside coming to save them, rather than something they do on their own.

Once again, planned and executed flawlessly, not allies coming to save them from a botched situation.

Once again, planned and executed flawless, completely ignoring the impossible logistics of it. Logistics are ignored when the Horde wants to march on Nelf lands, but all of a sudden, “Teldrassil is to populated to evacuate in time”

It is easy. All I have to do is name one single event, and I have achieved it.

I will at the very least say I understand were you’re coming from and agree with you when you say NE victories should be onscreen. I agree 100%.

In my opinion you can lump other races in there, heck some races just needs any type of victory at this point ie novel, short story, manga, a tweet anything.

Its starting to get a little fuzzy because you’re talking about getting help from others, supernatural aid, which at the end of the day doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think I will ever agree that one playable race should be able to defeat an entire faction tho.

On their home turf, when they are virtually ageless warriors masterful at guerilla warfare. When they can literally turn invisible and an inherit trait of their race. When the forests themselves help them repel invaders. I absolutely believe an entire faction can lose to a single race under those conditions.

It was even mentioned by a Dev during the Tides of Vengence reveal panel, that the Horde has never faced a unified Kaldorei army. That it has primarily been armed civilians and local militia keeping them at bay.