Ardenweald is entirely forest


Elune is the core of Kaldorei society and culture. The canonical confirmation the she bargains away Kaldorei souls like disposable currency is not a “win”.

Elune giving Tyrande the ultimatum of “Get justice against your abuser and die, or keep your mouth shut and live” is not a “win” and extremely tone deaf considering Blizzard’s lawsuit.

In one cinematic we received confirmation that the Kaldorei will not be getting their justice as well as one of the largest displays of culture erasure ever shown by Blizzard.

When you refuse to allow a race to exist without suffering homogenization and culture erasure, when you refuse to allow them to be anything more than disposable currency both in the sense of their culture defining faith, but also in the sense of narrative motivation (Exchanged for cheap shock value and emotional motivations for non Nelf characters). When you refuse to allow female characters stand on their own and be powerful, forcing them to earn their competency with trauma and tragedy, only to villainize them for pursuing justice… There is just no way for that race to exist in a setting. They are a blank slate, stripped of everything that gave them an identity. A skeleton for an identity to be copy and pasted onto with no power or meaning that is their own.

From a worldbuilding perspective. It’s like Blizzard is following a step by step formula on how to deconstruct a setting and render it null and void.