[A] Hunter - LF 2 night a week raiding team

Hello – I’ve been playing since day 1 and I’m an ex-hardcore raider but I haven’t raided seriously(or much at all) for a few expansions. I’m interested in getting back into the raiding scene as I see a lot of successful 2 day a week guilds out there.

While I don’t want to participate in guilds going after high US kill rankings my ideal fit would be a guild whose goal it is to clear AOTC relatively quickly, go as far as they can in Mythic before the next raid and have healthy M+ participation. Also I’m EST at the moment so I can’t really go past midnight during the week due to work.

I’ve traditionally played an enhancement shaman but I’m looking to main my hunter for this expansion with mage and enh shaman as alts.

If you are looking for a hunter that researches fights, knows their class, can follow directions and have a high attendance rate, please contact me.

wickster#1772 - BNet
Korranth#5135 - Discord