I am new to Stormrage and looking for a casual yet serious raiding guild. Like many, I have played since launch, but don’t have the time to raid like I used to. My main spec is holy, but willing to play disc as well when needed. My current item level is 194 and I have cleared normal CN and first three of Heroic CN. I probably would be able to only raid once or twice during the week. Please whisper me in game if interested!
I added you in game to further discuss things. We are 10/10 N and 5/10 H. Our guild is trying to reassemble our raid. We also went through a small guild exodus and are trying our best to rebuild. FourTony#1849
Hello there Shrin. I see you are looking for a guild and if by chance if you are still looking here is a link to our guild recruitment. The guild is called "Lifeline " and we raid Sunday/Monday 8pm-11pm server time. Our focus is on AotC and after we clear heroic we will dabble into Mythic. We also do mythic+ and have people interested in doing rated PVP. We have a laid back/casual atmosphere but are there to down bosses and progress as far as possible. It has our raid times/days and pretty much all info. Or I’d be more than happy to talk to you on here. Enjoy your day and look forward to hopefully talking to you. Guild Recruitment - Stormrage - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Hi! We could use a healing priest! Hit me up steph#1107.