[A] Holy Priest LF HC/Mythic/Mythic+ Guild

Alliance 9/10 on CN Heroic and 9/10 CN Norm, 200+ ilvl Holy and Shadow
I also play Destro Lock

LF Serious raiding guild that is social and ok with classes that aren’t absolutely top tier etc. Got recruited into a guild that isn’t willing to use either of my classes and just want to find a decent guild :frowning:

My wow profile is broken atm but I’m on Alliance

Hello my guild is Allanice on sargeras. No Turning Back we are currently 3/10M and 10/10H. We raid tue/wed 7:20 cst to 10:30cst. We also do an optional heroic on Friday at 8:20cst.

Our website is guildsofwow .com/noturningback you can apply there.
No spaces.

Hello Buizel, we have a position open for a Holy/Shadow Priest!

1/10M 9/10H
Raid Times: 8:30 - 11:30pm EST T/W/TH
