A Hard Pill to Swallow

Corruption gear being broken is only an opinion.

Everyone is probably happier since now they have something to blame their shortfalls on.

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hot takes comin outta the 1700 bracket

if i had the lifetime required to q destro/hpriest 2’s 500 games deep into the barely post challenger bracket i too would probably think that at the top end corruptions weren’t even that good

ignore the 95-100k stars hits
ignore the 50k mindflays
ignore the 45% base versatility flark has

it’s all an illusion and none if it is actually even good !11!1!


I think corruption’s issues are only number tuning. There’s just no reason a random proc should hit harder than most classes hardest hitting abilities. Could have been really cool but instead it’s just frustrating

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imo just stats would have been far more interesting

proc stats, stats from sources, stats on taking damage ect

a gushingwound proc or a mindflay proc have 0 interaction at all with how my class plays


I had my infinite stars r3 blow up a rogue in about 5 sec.
While its true it was lucky procs it was about 50% of my damage done to him in that 5 sec window.
So while it is my “opinion” that corruptions in arena are busted. I think it would be hard to find a logical argument against it.


I think the stats corruptions will end up being bis and what most people go for as the season goes on, but even still, if I had the corruptions and gear I wanted I’d probably be around 35-40% passive mastery (or like 45% passive haste) which is just kind of ridiculous. I’m already proccing up to like 35% and it feels impossible for stuff to die during it

Bring pack PvP Power, and Resilience. No more corruption. Nerf destro locks. PvP vendors.

Make WoW great again.


The best part is he has 437 games played in 2’s and is at 1900. Where do you find the time for that, much less make a post telling people it’s their skill that sucks. Also, have 3-4 tentacles wrecking someone is not a short coming at all. It’s a game of the haves vs the have nots at this point.

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I like the damage that corruption does but wish it was attached to classes and not random tentacle procs that can’t be predicted.

I spent 1.8m on op corruption boes. I’m having fun


So you think it’s ok that a player who’s stuck in a HoJ can still burst/kill their opponent?


I just don’t want to PvE anymore. I come back to BfA and you just feel forced to PvE. It’s like embedded into me. I get that they want us to expand outward and do other things, but we shouldn’t feel forced to do things we don’t want to.

I want to play this shi#%y game, but it just feels wrong.


That man has a family.


i want 50% baseline vers

i want to be a brick wall

i want rmx monkeys to fear me


psshh i dont even blame corruption. i just blame it all on my partners. #FeelsOkayMan :crazy_face:

Ur rly bad


Problem is the luck factor right now is not rewarding time spent or effort. I have both infinite stars and tentacle gear on items I received on my paladin doing the starter quests for this patch and lucking out with my world quests. I have no resistance to even wear them. This took a few hours meanwhile on my warrior main I haven’t gotten any of the op corruptions.

Funny thing is they’ll still kill you thru 50% vers with conflict and strife major and double wall.


ye they would

even with a warlock on my team and battlemaster lmao

every good player just plays rmx ofc and everyone else is bad :slight_smile:

I play 2v2 without a healer. I’m a rare kind