Besides what Laeric posted, it’s in the “What We Know About Classic” it’s also expressed it’ll be there until phase 2 at the latest.
Considering he literally asked someone on the forums for a source, I don’t think a link to another thread on the forums started by someone who’s not a Blue poster would satisfy him at all…
I was in the vanilla stress test as well. Got to 13 there. I can understand how I didn’t see a lot of the game, but I definitely “played” it.
I have over 500 hours on private servers since, but Darrowshire (the Elysium PVE server) was pretty much dead by the time I got my mage to 60. Best thing I remember getting was the frost damage robe from Scholomance and I crafted myself a Repair-Bot to realize it was a one-time use item.
I’m getting the distinct feeling that Edgefighter’s an elitist.
Blizzard wouldn’t have stickied it if it wasn’t reliable information.
This man gets it, and will go places.
To be fair though. The information in that thread IS accurate.
True. But do you really expect people to be that trusting?
I mean, yes? That’s why it’s stickied.
That’s fine - I just prefer to read the legal print on a contract from the contract - not from someone else holding it in their hands.
I ptefer not to wait until after I’m f*ed and then to show my displeasure of that fact.
Of course I too know that there are people with diferent preference and tastes
A lot of people have a lot of distrust for Blizzard. Some of it rational, most of it not so much.
Tipsout Tipsout Tipsout Tipsout Tipsout Tipsout
and as always Tipsout
Dude, I totally get you. But this is one situation where I think rioting before hand will f**k us harder than after.
And not in nice fuzzy ways.
Alright, but if you don’t trust Blizzard, what difference does it make if they’ve said the latest layering will still be in the game?
Because thus far the Classic team has been true to their word. I’m willing to cut them some slack.
I do NOT, however, trust Blizzard as a company not to screw us if people decide expansions for Classic or seasonal servers are a good idea.
I think neither are good ideas. Mostly because Blizzard can and probably will use them to screw us.
Isn’t this what realms are for? Why not create more realms if the problem is that there is overcrowding on specific realms. Or if the problem is the anticipated issue in the starting zones on August 27th then either increase the spawn rate of mobs in that zone or change it to shared mobs until the mass of people move on to other zones.
Creating layers aka sharding is one of the biggest issues that people have with the current game. They want to play on realms where they can see the same people all the time and build a community.
Based on everything they’ve said, they won’t be adding anything for at least several years. After that they’ll probably approach the player base. Personally, I’d like TBC.
The worry is that if they open too many realms, the tourist population will dry up and they’ll be left with too many servers that are too low population. That’s what happened in vanilla itself, and they’re expecting a greater portion to move away than did in vanilla. It’s not just the large crowd of people.
Server merges are a much worse solution than layering.
They should create new servers and offer free transfers if and only if for some reason the tourist population at launch becomes permanent.
Speaking as someone who hated Outland, and sees expansion servers as a slippery slope straight to hell, I would not.