I agree - I am just suggesting that if they use this system (which they will) that they implement it in a way that is closest to vanilla.
What we are getting now is not even in the ball park.
I agree - I am just suggesting that if they use this system (which they will) that they implement it in a way that is closest to vanilla.
What we are getting now is not even in the ball park.
Progression servers are also popular on other games. You hated Outland because you didnât play in TBC, too. You played in Wrath. You didnât even really finish Azeroth as you didnât even hit 60 until Cata.
No I hated Outland because I hated the quests, world, music, and lore. Nothing to do with gameplay.
Did you play Warcraft 3? Or any of the original games?
I did actually.
Outland didnât feel like any of those. It felt like a StarCraft MMO.
I get the sense that the cut Vanilla version would have been 10 times better and felt more Warcraft-y.
TBC also introduced the infamous draenei retcon, and turned Illidan evil just to give players a loot pinata.
Forgive me if Iâd rather persist in a version of the game where neither of those things ever happened.
That didnât happen in vanilla. It began in Cata and onward. But they came with linked realms and CRZ to âmaskâ it.
Now the desire to use sharing/layering is halfway motivated again by the desire to avoid bad publicity accompanying merges.
Not to mention merges, practically speaking, are just bad for the playerbase in general.
I consider merges preferable to layering.
Yes, i too would prefer a very long Q, but lets face it ppl will complain.
Iâd prefer not to risk losing my character names just because some people are so against layering that theyâd rather thrust that misery on others thinking itâs no big deal when in actual fact it f**king is.
Not to mention merges can, will, and have killed communities before.
Layering is problematic due to its condition and promised termination in phase 2.
One Layer is ~3000 people, and they want to stack multiple on top of each other. That means best case (this includes this tech working as intended in the first place) the number of players would have to drop by 50%!! (in case they only stack 2 layers per server at launch â unlikely) until phase 2 in order to remove Layering without creating either mega servers, prolonging phase one in hopes that people âfinallyâ leave or actually having to keep layering.
Why Iâm so concerned you may ask?
Cause right now, by any metric you can find, Classic WoW doesnât look like dropping 50% of its player base in a few months at all, and thatâs serious trouble when talking about this tech.
Iâd rather see them put up a finite number of servers that maybe can hold a little more than usual (maybe around 5-6k players) and sharding up until lvl 10. If all Servers are full create new and when people have to wait in que, they have to wait in que and love it.
If Classic really drops as hard as Blizzard thinks it will, they can still merge â and at this point I really really really would rather have merges than âlayeringâ for months upon months.
Please reconsider Blizzard.
No problem, if 2 players have the same name on a server blizzard can have a real money bidding war to see who gets it, that way whoever cares more about the name wins, and blizzard wins too! Also if the merges were planned ahead of time and happened early on before people were even 60 it would fix all the problems including faction imbalance which is one they arenât even trying to address and is important in vanilla
Of course they will. Long queues are unacceptable in this day and age.
Hell they werenât acceptable back then either but we didnât have much choice, did we?
And prefer to lose my name and wait for quest than let some cast bigger sh*t on everyone simply because they cba queues, tags and consider their name more important than coherent realm
Love how you ignored the fact merges can be more dangerous to communities than layering.
Well, other than the fact the whole world had relevance to Warcraft 2 and also finished (at the time anyway) a major Warcraft 3 characterâs storyline.
The retcon itself wasnât as big as many of the things theyâve done since (especially the Sargeras/Burning Legion retcon with the introduction of the Void Lords), and the draenei post-retcon were a far better design than they were pre-retcon.
Your opinion is not fact.
It is when Iâve personally gone through it already.
Never again.
no, layering is worse, something fun can be happening in a full layer and 2/3s of the server donât get to be involved, that is infuriating vs not having multiple dimensions and always knowing that what you are seeing is what is actually happening where you are
When you experienced classic with layering to compare which is more damaging?