A hard 'No' on layering

Not really. They never saw the original world, so they can see the original world with fresh eyes without ever having seen it in a way that wasn’t intended at a much later date than when it was released. Someone who came in Wrath would have breezed through all of it.

I don’t know how you reached THAT conclusion. I sure as hell didn’t breeze through it.

With the changes to the base mechanics and the Wrath talents, the content from 1-70 was much easier. It wasn’t as easy as with Cata, but the mobs that ruined people in vanilla and even TBC was much easier. You didn’t have the same experience with Defias Pillagers, for example.

Even 1.12 won’t be as hard - with the talents in that patch, we’ll be in a much better position.

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Yes I did actually.

Playing the demo and the stress test server took me right back to my Wrath days.

I mean… great, if you enjoyed those days, I suppose you’ll enjoy the way to 60 and at 60. Just don’t expect to be able to breeze through content at higher levels as you did in Wrath. Especially as a Paladin.

I didn’t even make it past 55 before Cataclysm launched. And I didn’t buy any expansions until then either.

Well you’re in luck, Classic isn’t going anywhere so casual players who level very slowly and may be less individually skilled can hit 60 too.

I know, it’ll be great. :slight_smile: More casual-friendly than Retail is, by far.

Some folks are just too dense to realize that though.

Live has always been more casual friendly than vanilla was. You could do literally anything without interacting with another person and even without getting good at the game or spending time in it. Vanilla, you can hit 60 and do some things, but you have to step up and talk to people eventually.

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I’m actually more inclined to be with the people who claim the numbers are right, but the classes are beefed up from class changes between 1.1 and 1.12. Don’t know if Blizzard is going to dig up patch notes and roll back class changes, they probably consider those bugfixes and don’t want to bring bugs back.

Vanilla came out when I was 12 and I only ever made it to level 35 on a gnome rogue on a PVE server. I don’t think the game was that much harder, I know I sucked.

If you didn’t breeze through content in Wrath then I’ll pray for you. You didn’t experience Vanilla, you didn’t experience constant fighting over territory with nothing more than mats to acquire. You didn’t experience server-wide battles that happened simply because someone from one guild ganked a rival guild. You didn’t come out of the auction house in Ironforge to see Horde dancing on the bodies of hundreds of Alliance. There is no world or environment in Wrath, even BC took away a lot of the necessity of venturing into the open world. Wrath was the beginning of the end of a server-community and the beginning of standing in main cities waiting for queus to pop. The beginning of looking at your chore list when you log on and having to sulk off to do it everyday just to stay relevant. As I’ve stated far too many times in this thread. You don’t have the perspective, thus your opinions are more invalid than they would be considering your lack of understanding of how markets and simple math works.


That’s not how I define “casual.”

To me “casual” means I can do whatever without a care in the world, whether it’s with other people or not. No pressure to get it done quickly because there’s yet another damn expansion in two years and I have alts planned.

To me “casual” means “no pressure.” Retail has all the pressure, Classic will have less.

In the original patches the game was more difficult because the class talent changes hadn’t happened yet (which made them much stronger) and the game was in a more rough state. I started when I was 11 and played a lot, but given we’re not only better as players individually and we’re going into 1.12, it’ll be a lot better overall for the average player.

You got to level 35, you more or less didn’t actually play Vanilla.

Sharding is.

Blizzard didn’t mention the longevity on Layering.

A casual player isn’t going to spend a lot of time playing the game - and getting better at the game requires time. A hardcore player isn’t necessarily good at the game and a casual player isn’t necessarily bad at the game, but it’s more likely to be true than not likely given a lack of time invested. Casual players who used to be hardcore can still be very skilled, but just not want to invest time.

Casual players who are not skilled can see all the content they want in live, but not in vanilla.

Blizzard said sharding is out, layering is in. They didn’t give a short timeline like a few weeks for layering, but they said it’d be gone before phase 2.

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Again, that’s your definition. Not mine.

May I have a source for this, please?

I mean, that’s what a casual player is. It’s a player that isn’t going to spend a lot of time in game. If you spend 6 hours a night in game but don’t really feel pressured to do anything and don’t really bother doing anything progressive based, you’re still a hardcore player.

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Here you go. Best resource I could find.

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