A hard 'No' on layering

I wonder if they could implement something like only one layer switch every few hours or something, just to prevent hopping to gain advantage with farming/grinding etc.

Either way, I am not too pressed about it as long as they stick to only keeping it in a few weeks.

Do I need to? Iā€™ve seen the same drivel far too many times to count.

I see layering as a necessary evil. Iā€™m sorry but I do NOT want a repeat of what we went through on the stress test when Classic goes live, nor do I believe layering will be necessary by the time Phase 2 rolls around.

You may think Classic is going to outperform Retail. Youā€™re free to think that. I, however, will err on the side of caution and assume otherwise. That said, I still expect Classic to succeed in maintaining a healthy core population.

I ndont understand why people think server merging is a solution. You cannot merge servers. Its just like in retail. They are still there and there are alot of issues with merging. Its not the same as layers all on 1 closed realm

Iā€™m just jealous that you managed to get into the server to stress test the layering :frowning:.

Anyway, THIS is really what the stress test was about. Not the login servers, the layering has never been done before. Itā€™s just a shame so few people got in, compared to the amount of people who couldnā€™t get in T_T. If more people could get into the server to test the layering, then there wouldā€™ve been more data to help improve it.

ā€¦ you err on the side of caution and by that you mean that you would pick BFA over classic. Yikes dude, did you ever play Vanilla?

Wow, dude, how the hell did you make THAT leap of logic?

No, I will not pick BFA over Classic. I do not like BFA at all, and Iā€™ve had more fun running around doing nothing in Classic than I ever did in Cataclysm-onwards.

Iā€™m also an admitted Wrath baby.

You just picked retailā€™s success over Classic in your last post. Youā€™ve never played Vanilla, so why are you commenting on it without knowledge of how it was? Thatā€™s what this entire issue is based around, ffs.

I actually see layering as a good thing.

If you expect 3x the population per server, which they need to or every server will be considered dead, you need to give them 3x the resources to play with. Have you ever seen a private server when it falls below 5k population? How many people spam ā€œDEAD SERVERā€?

If the population remains 3x the capacity of a normal server, they SHOULD have 3 layers at all times.

Itā€™s a good system. It just needs some restrictions on movement between layers to avoid exploitation.

Dudeā€¦ the dead server thing is a memeā€¦ Please god, help this poor child.

I didnā€™t have to play Vanilla to know that itā€™s not what the market seems to want. Iā€™ve also seen way too many posts on OTHER forums decrying Classic. Ironically, one such forum is MMO-Champion, which prior to Classicā€™s announcement was so anti-Retail youā€™d feel right at home there.

For some reason they did a complete 180 but there you go. Just canā€™t please some people.

I know about the petition that was signed and turned Blizzardā€™s collective heads, of course, but how many of those people do you honestly expect to stick around when they have to pay a sub for something they were getting for free (albeit an inferior version) before?

The vast majority of tourists will be kids whoā€™d be either lucky or vastly intelligent to last longer than a week.

Itā€™s either that or dynamic respawns. I donā€™t think dynamic respawns would be too bad, but even with layering we had so many different people in one area. Itā€™s almost mandatory just to avoid being one of a thousand players in one area.

Iā€™d be happy without layering, but Iā€™m just willing to deal with it in the extreme short term.

Dynamic respawns are the spawn of Sargeras himself.


I agree. Dynamic respawns are inauthentic to just having correctly populated servers/layers.

ā€¦ those forums are anti classic because its only active members are people who didnā€™t like vanilla or were bad at itā€¦ CRAZY that the classic announcement comes out and the players who like it flood forums and stomp on all the newbs and baddies that were crying about it, right? CRAZY that classic has received overwhelming support from ALL wow streamers after theyā€™ve played it and streamers that main other games only want to play classic. CRAZY how the market DOES want the game. Many of the people that played vanilla are grown now and wouldnā€™t mind shelling 15 bucks a month for such a great game. Like Iā€™ve stated already, you literally have no idea what you missed, so you have no legitimate perspective on this topic.


I would say dynamic respawns would replace layering, but I donā€™t think they would work with how many people are expected to be in the starting zones.

Things would have to respawn AS they died.

I do have some idea what I missed. Just because Iā€™m a Wrath baby doesnā€™t mean I had access to any of the expansions prior to Cataclysm, and Iā€™ve done my research on the topic.

The only places I see support for Classic are here, certain Discord channels, a handful of streamers, and between me and two of my friends. Everywhere else is pretty hard against it.

Youā€™re looking at the wrong spots. Thereā€™s a lot of hype around Classic, and while there are some vocal people who are against it, there are also some content creators who were formerly anti-Classic who are now all for it.

Just because youā€™ve seen the content and done it at a later date doesnā€™t mean youā€™ve experienced it. Itā€™s vastly different, and those who started with Wrath do not have the same original experiences as those who started in the original game.

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Itā€™s still a damn site better than anyone who started in Cata. I feel bad for those guys.

A handful of streamers? Every streamer I know is looking forward to classic. Youā€™re in some matrix reality, kiddo. And yes, because you are a Wrath baby does mean, regardless of whatever ā€œresearchā€ youā€™ve done, that your perspective and opinion is lacking and invalid.