A hard 'No' on layering

You, sir, are also wrong. He places his faith in Blizzard as if they have his best interests in mind. Read his post. Blizzard is little more than a puppet on the hand of Activision, at this point. Go listen to their financial meetings and goals for the future of their games. Masochist is the perfect word, unknowing masochist would be more appropriate, I suppose, as he has no idea what’s even happening in this reality.


I hate any measure that introduces intra-server decohesion, including layering. That said, this isn’t a battle we’re going to win. Layering will be in Classic, at least in the beginning. I don’t like it, but I’m just going to do my best to pretend like it’s not there. Hopefully the damage will be minimal.

Yes, you had no issue with it, which means you didn’t play Vanilla or you can’t actually process what made Vanilla a good game. Both are fine, but you really shouldn’t be contaminating a quality, well-thought out post with you whimsical ‘feelings’ and lack of perspective.

It’s guaranteed to be turned off by the time Phase 2 launches. You don’t have a hell of a lot to worry about.

No Vaizel, do not cower. You stand up, boy. You fight the good fight until you die on your feet, like a warrior.

Phase 1 could be a long time, and the initial formative months of a server are perhaps the most important of the server’s entire life.

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Not THAT long.

That is what they intend, but are they going to roll 10K people into one server?

I think that is going to make the ques on some of the high-pop serves unbearable for people.

I, uh… wat? Lol.

They already committed to it. If they for some reason don’t follow through, THAT is when we riot. Not before.

There’s no guarantee, or even any reason to believe what you claim here.

“Eh… there will be a large population drop-off (mostly tourists) by the time layering is removed.”

In what universe did you come to the conclusion that this game, that is hugely popular amongst even the BFA babies that still play the game, would have a ‘large population drop-off’? You can’t just make things up, kid. That’s not how the world works when you’re not playing pretend in your parents backyard. This game will, most likely, retain a population much higher than BFA numbers for a significantly greater amount of time.

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Considering that’s what literally the majority of people, including Blizzard, think about this? I’d say it’s entirely probable.

Especially since Classic doesn’t appeal to people with a more modern mindset when it comes to gaming.

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Why would streamer complain about layering they get free vip access to play on the servers the second they are up

Was this in response to me? Because there’s no telling how long each of the phases will be. I don’t think Blizzard even fully knows yet; in the recent developer interview(s), they kept mentioning that they wanted to remain “flexible” as far as timelines go.

The server doesn’t show who the person replied to is if it’s right behind that post. Yes it was in response to you.

I don’t know man - I feel like the time to riot is now. I bet I will be having this same conversation with people saying it isn’t that bad when they keep it in some capacity 2 months after launch.

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I see… Well in that case, same response :stuck_out_tongue:

2 months after launch is when we roughly expect Phase 2 to start. If it’s not turned off by then, that is when we riot.

I’m all for pre-emptive strikes, I do them all the time with people requesting expansions, but I don’t believe doing one here is either necessary, nor a good idea.

You’re correct.

2 months is far too long. You really have absolutely no clue what the original post said do you? Use your eyes.