A hard 'No' on layering

Yes, and no. Yes it’s to manage high populations on launch, but their are a lot of variables that can cause this to spiral into sticky situation.

It’s already been stated that if you logout for a play session you can end up on a different layer, it’s also been shown to be easily used to abuse to layer hop for spawns.

Another issue that I’m interested to see the outcome of is, what if the populations don’t die off as much as they are expecting?

They want 3k to be healthy, but what if each layer is retaining 1500-2000 people apiece? Do we still merge them all and handle 4500-6000 people servers? Or do we split those three layers into two separate servers then?


If they did that they’d need to make it so their entire database couldn’t have overlapping names for guilds or characters.

Quite frankly, you should just automatically be thrown on to the same layer as your friends list and guild regardless of what iteration of layering people argue for.

So just one big server with locked layers, right?

Pretty much.

That’s what they are trying not to do though guys. They are trying to keep it as a overflow tank for all the people coming and going.

Why not multiple servers. Within each server, have locked layers that share an AH until if and when you merge them.

Layering is a TEMPORARY solution to launch issues. Not that hard to understand op.

It doesn’t fix anything expect ques to log in on the high pop servers, which will just end up being there when they remove layering, and it introduces a bunch of problems. My point is that there are better solutions, not that hard to understand Jastis


I think a lot of people are starting to realize this, but their are still people that don’t care about layering/sharding.

That’s what it comes down to really. Do you want short ques or a good community?

Eh… there will be a large population drop-off (mostly tourists) by the time layering is removed.

I’m sure they know more about the issues and solutions for layering than you do. Let the professionals do their jobs.

Yes you are right Blizzard has a really good history of making good decisions when it comes to WoW :slight_smile:




I traveled to Orgrimmar to celebrate the end of the stress test server, and there was barely anyone there despite the fact that people were telling each other in global chats to meet in Org. This is unacceptable for an MMO.


Blizzard does, Activision does not. Let them figure it out with these stress tests. If its still screwed up 2 weeks after launch. Then you can say it doesn’t work. We simply do not know what kinda system they are gonna implement yet.

What a coincidence, neither do they.

You’re just plain wrong. Not to mention, this is not the Vanilla Blizzard, this is BFA Blizzard. Two very different companies with very different intentions and interests. I’m just going to go ahead and ask that you shut your mouth when you’re talking about classic, you’re a fan boy and you need to take your masochistic tendencies elsewhere.

You do realize in order to be a masochist you have to enjoy feeling immense pain, right?

I doubt Jastis is one of those.

What lmao? I had no issue with the stress test or the layering. I took it for what it was. A beta stress test. If you actually think that’s how its gonna be a launch you should probably take off that tin foil hat and take a deep breath.