Closed ffs
Added on bnet, maining rogue in SL, with marksman hunter alt.
Have a buddy as well who will be playing dk and willing to offtank or dps and a hunter or lock alt.
bump ! lets go!
Currently looking for a guild that will be pushing mythic. Planning on maining Rogue or Mage, but am willing to play whatever main need is for guild. Have tanked, healed, and dps’d at mythic level through the last 2 xpacs, as well as high end raiding in BC and WOTLK.
BNET: Dangersus#1614 add me and I’ll invite you to our discord as this is where we are currently forming our roster. Thanks for reaching out. Mage or Rogue is needed and the choice is yours as I’d like to give everyone time to chose their mains.
Bumper Cars!
Sent bnet request!