[A & H RP] Quilen & Cloud Teahouse

Ya! When was it, anyway? Don’t remember seeing it anywhere when I was skimming the information.

Apologies - it’s tonight. Officially starts at 8 although I tend to be there early.

I have been struggling with the new version of cross-rp. Can’t get it to function. But we’ve got the elixirs & can use emotes in our says.

the emotes bracketed with * * I mean

Thank you for a wonderful night of tea and spicy Dragon foods! Cyndranna and I had a wonderful time visiting for the first time. :relaxed: We’ll definitely be back.

Glad you enjoyed it. Last night was one of the busiest in recent memory (despite some absences) which meant I didn’t get a chance to introduce you to the regulars.

Keep an eye out for a new / updated thread in the new year.

Thank you again to everyone who made Sunday such a success.

come back on the 30th to help us celebrate the last Wanderer’s Festival of the year. You’ll definitely want your inky black potions to enjoy the stars & floating lanterns.

a touch of a cold virus has kept me away from WoW all week. But the Teahouse will be open on Sunday, even if I don’t type much :smiley:

reminder for tomorrow night: we’ll be going to the last Wanderer’s Festival of the year. Join us there instead of at the Teahouse if you plan to drop in about 10:30 PM (server) or later.

It’s tonight. Optional but useful: elixir of tongues. Inky black potion as well - makes the beach excursion much more enjoyable.

just got through thoroughly cleaning the keyboard - including pulling all keys & cleaning them individually. Hopefully I will be more understandable this time. :smiley:

Thank you everyone who made tonight one of the best teahouses we’ve had. See you next year.

atm it looks tight for January due to rl & other rp commitments. Juggling dates looking for an opening. But February will be fun. Both Lunar Festival & Love is in the air tie-ins. If we don’t get together in January then there will be three in Feb.

Seriously considering experimenting with a mid-week or morning/afternoon event in addition to the Sunday nights. Would appreciate some comments.

We’ll have a stand at the IF fair this coming weekend.

Squeezing in a mid-week get together at the teahouse on WEDNESDAY the 30th. Trying out some IC winter menu changes. come try out the new offerings - help decide what goes on the scroll we’ll hang in February.

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Reminder - the next teahouse is the usual time - 7 PM server. However the day is different from usual:


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Awesome. A nice, friendly night at the tea house right before everyone gets sloshed at the Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl. I’ll try to bring a character there!

or come by later when you need to collect your thoughts and remember where you live.

If I knew how to request a thread be closed I would. Not your fault, Feyawen. This was the thread you knew about from a year ago. At least you found the updated one.

For the benefit of anyone else who stumbles across this:

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