Cousin Yak Ring is an alt i'm leveling enough to show up at various places as a trader.
Whoops. Didn't realize they were an alt. I'll stop making things about about his rates! Sorry! But please tell me this character is a goblin with a fancy hat. :)
Thanks again for hosting the Teahouse! It's been a great way to socialize with other Pandaren, and a really low-stress way to get into RP.
09/11/2018 06:57 PMPosted by
Whoops. Didn't realize they were an alt. I'll stop making things about about his rates! Sorry!
Everything you've written here or said in-game is great! Helping me get a better grasp on his character actually. Part of the fun of RP for me is the improvisational development & that needs other people who are fun to play with.
09/11/2018 06:57 PMPosted by
But please tell me this character is a goblin with a fancy hat. :)
Gnome with a fancy hat - just couldn't get the right skin tones with a Goblin.
09/11/2018 06:57 PMPosted by
Thanks again for hosting the Teahouse! It's been a great way to socialize with other Pandaren, and a really low-stress way to get into RP.
Looking forward to more RP with you at the teahouse & elsewhere. Who knows, some day we may even convince you to get out of those farm duds for a few hours :P
09/10/2018 01:58 AMPosted by
Who were the skypetal teahouse? :O
They were a monthly/bi monthly group that did a similar thing in the same location. But their leader got too busy to keep it running, so it disbanded. Was such a fun little event, too.
Came across their old thread while looking for something else: location, same spirit (I guess). They seem to have been a lot more efficiently organized and robust. :D Maybe we'll get there someday :)
Meanwhile, bumping the next get-together
Harvest Potluck at the Quilen & Cloud.
We've got the first batch of roasted barley tea coming in (with Yak Butter provided by Zhuona so we can serve it in the traditional Kun Lai style). If it seems to have reached the proper stage of aging there'll be Ginseng as well.
Feel free to bring a savory treat or old family recipe with you. Or just show up with an appetite, chopsticks & bowl. :D
Considering creating an in-game calendar event for this. No invites required to attend. Just a way to help people interested have a reminder.
If you would like a calendar invite please post here with in-game name of character to send invite to in the body of the post. Server as well if not on WrA.
Hey guys, we doing another one of these tonight? Or wait... it was every other sunday right?
Hey guys, we doing another one of these tonight? Or wait... it was every other sunday right?
Next scheduled one is on the 23rd :)
Currently working on the Autumn version of the menu scroll. First harvest tastings: expect at least a small quantity of both the barley and the ginseng teas to be available. It's potluck night as well. See you Sunday :)
Would you mind explaining how to play Jihui for me? Iām very curious!
A practicuum is in the works - as a Stormwind University colloquium. I'm gonna work on getting them to host it in a neutral location so that we can use some of the cross-faction community devices to make everyone welcome.
The new menu isn't quite ready to hang by the counter yet. But word of mouth has started and we're looking forward to seeing old friends - and making new ones - Sunday night.
Sunday is sooner than I thought - gotta get the yak butter ripening. :D
The Menu & updated OOC info are posted at
There's also an IC post there about the teas (fuller descriptions than the menu) and tea services (pots & cups). Take look. Might be something there you can use as a conversational icebreaker.
If you want to review just the menu (image) go to
HI there, I've put your event up on the in-game community calendar, I hope you don't mind. Here is where they can be found if you want to check for accuracy~
In-game horde event community: NKv23BDfdRd
Hope all goes well with your event and let me know if there are issues with the post!
Best Moos,
Thanks! I meant to post it myself - but faulty memory got the best of me this month
There will be a Teahouse community on the night for those who want to crossfaction.
Just checked - the description is great & the link to this thread is working :) TY again.
If you want me to put the event on repeat, I can!
invite link for the community channel will be posted later this afternoon.
This link should not expire. If it does please let me know in-game, in community channel, or here.
Quilen & Cloud Teahouse (Bnet Community for Cross RP) invite:
Visitors new to the Teahouse or those unfamiliar with the menu might not realize we brew tea - not the other kind of brew. :) OTOH we won't object if you byo as long as you behave yourself. Brewmaster Tsing has a good selection.
just a couple hours and a bit to go before it's time to put the kettle on the brazier. :)
bit before official start but people are drifting in. Remember, this is a come when you can stay as long as you want event. so showing up late is fine.