Please post about any of these you find interesting. Be sure to contribute your own ideas as well. The more the teahouse offers matches your own wants & desires the longer we can keep it going.
09/09/2018 02:43 PMPosted by
Next time I'll just hand parcels over directly to Cousin Yak Ring. His rates are much more reasonable.
Cousin Yak Ring is an alt i'm leveling enough to show up at various places as a trader. For instance: he'd be around if I've got time to relax before the teahouse starts. Besides tea he deals in luckydos. The OOC idea is for people with a gray item and enough of a spiel about it to get him to trade their gray for a BoE green or blue. If nothing else you'll get a vendor trash upgrade and I get some IC enjoyment before I have to do a lot of OOC management. :D
GUEST BOOK – between people coming on characters other than the ones they use in forum posts, IC names that are quite different from the in-game ones, and the problems of tracking what character goes with what community or battletag name, it's almost impossible for me to stay in touch with people in between events. Having a guestbook at the teahouse (OOC a forum post “signed guestbook” + character name) would help a lot.
RAFFLE - Sometimes people feel obligated to give real gold. It's great to get a little something to help out with the expenses. But Quilen & Cloud is meant to share Pandaren culture not to help me get rich. Having a troll charm dropped in the box last night was a lot more fun. And I usually get accused of being too generous at some point during the proceedings. :D A raffle of things that put Kunbo's artistic skills to use – such as the kites, origami animals, and other crafted items – could be an enjoyable way for people to contribute some gold IC without embarrassing Kunbo with large tips. That would keep all of us happy IC and OOC I think.
And for those worried about a “raffle” and the EULA prohibition of gambling – this is just an extension/combination of leaving a tip (which happens already) and me giving some “thank you” trades for personal IC interactions I appreciate (which happens already). Neither is a violation.
HOLIDAYS - This week we went to the Wanderer's Festival. In two weeks we'll be having a potluck as a way of celebrating the harvest festival. Kunbo's contribution will be some seasonal additions to the menu.
With the teahouse happening twice a month it's possible to have a variety of themes. Alternating Wanderer's Festival with something related to whatever event is happening in any given month is one idea. Having some kind of hunting party during Noblegarden is in the works. Got a couple of other ideas as well – such as turning whatever Sunday is closest to New Year's Eve into a celebration of Shaohao's birthday - but could really use some suggestions.
CATERING – A couple people mentioned IC that they had seen us and enjoyed our teas at other events. Our SWU friends were sorely missed last night as well. Please keep in mind that Quilen & cloud is available for catering at both guild and open RP events on either faction.
MESSAGE BOARD – ever since we started appearing as a pop-up stall at open events there have been very complimentary comments on the menu art. I could do something similar to represent an IC version of the message boards found in the big cities. Something like the boards in some local stores, restaurants or community centers irl. The menu is set up as a GIMP file layered in such a way that it doesn't take very long to change the text. If there's enough interest in having a public place to post personal or group messages I'd start work on a piece in the same style as the menu that could be updated periodically in the same way. No guarantee how quickly it would be ready, but I'd post notice in the WrA forum – then people could either post here, send in-game mail, etc. about what they want to put on the board.