[A & H RP] Quilen & Cloud Teahouse

Reminder -
We will be closing the teahouse temporarily at about 10:30 to go to the weekly Wanderer's Festival*. After that we'll return to the teahouse if there are people interested in continuing the socializing.

* Wanderer's Festival happens in Krasarang Wilds at Turtle Beach near the statue of Liu Lang ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Wanderer's_Festival )
  • There's a scroll near the statue of Liu Lang if you are working on the MoP lore achievements
  • before the ceremony talk to the Wandering Herald, read the announcement, talk to other NPCs as they arrive
  • Enjoy some fireworks set off by NPCs ( definitely bring your own as well)
  • Get some free brew offered by Chen Stormstout himself.
  • Listen to Lorewalkers tell a story about how the Wandering Island came to be.
  • Watch a brief ceremony (floating lanterns placed into the sea)
  • Earn an ach just for staying til the end.
  • Get a chance at capturing a wild pet that only appears during the festival ( https://wow.gamepedia.com/Wanderer's_Festival_Hatchling )
  • there are usually quite a few people there ready for casual walk-ups (wouldn't be surprised if some random person sets up a noodle cart or banquet)
Menu is the same as it was for the grand opening:

Any of our Kaldorei friends (we don't have customers) should ask about a special.
09/08/2018 06:21 PMPosted by Kunboket
09/08/2018 04:19 PMPosted by Zhuona
It definitely made Zhuona's week when a passing grummle said the teahouse would be open again!
By any chance was it Cousin Yak Ring? He brought me the dairy goods by the way - thanks!

It was!

But ohmygosh, I can't believe I paid that postmaster so much if he just outsourced it to the grummles. Next time I'll just hand parcels over directly to Cousin Yak Ring. His rates are much more reasonable.
08/10/2018 05:32 PMPosted by Nyumbani
Would you mind explaining how to play Jihui for me? I’m very curious!
If the teahouse stays too busy to get into a game ...

A practicum is in the planning stage for an upcoming SWU Monthly Colloquium.
09/09/2018 02:43 PMPosted by Zhuona
But ohmygosh, I can't believe I paid that postmaster so much if he just outsourced it to the grummles. Next time I'll just hand parcels over directly to Cousin Yak Ring. His rates are much more reasonable.
Keep those unusual grays handy. If you got a good story to go with it you can often trade a luckydo for a green and get the delivery for free :D
*Panda hip bump*
09/09/2018 04:45 PMPosted by Zhiifang
*Panda hip bump*
In the process of setting up the cross rp channel. Pre-event link posted in the Pandaren community channel. i'll post one here after while, once we are sure it's working smoothly.
for those who want a bit of additional aural ambience - I enjoy the Magical Tearoom ASMR available on youtube.
Invite link for the temporary Teahouse community:

Teahouse is bustling and still at Mistfall village til 10:30. Them we'll rebase at Turtle Beach for the Festival.
A few shots of the event! Really cool to see such interesting cross-faction interaction. :-D

That was one of the most chill, laid back, relaxing and beautiful events I've been to in a while!

Thanks for all the fun Kunbo!

I'll do my best to attend the next one!
09/09/2018 10:24 PMPosted by Jinseon
A few shots of the event! Really cool to see such interesting cross-faction interaction. :-D


Ohey, that's me in there!

This was such a fun event to attend, really was fun, especially on a character I barely RP as :U. I hope to attend next time!
Thanks a lot for putting this on. It was really fun and the first RP event I've attended in a long time.
09/06/2018 09:30 PMPosted by Lintsehsu
Who were the skypetal teahouse? :O

They were a monthly/bi monthly group that did a similar thing in the same location. But their leader got too busy to keep it running, so it disbanded. Was such a fun little event, too.
THANKS !!!!!

Truly appreciate all the in-game and forum comments by everyone both before and after the evening. If I don't directly quote someone know that your comment definitely influenced these remarks.

Just one example of what keeps me energized:
09/07/2018 08:48 PMPosted by Yozu
cracks fingers

It's gonna be a panda-emonium.


I'm still learning how to manage all the behind the scenes logistics such as fostering real cross-faction RP (both with & without addons). Personally, seeing the IC translation where not everyone has a mutual language or understands all the gestures is part of the fun. Contributes to one of the IC goals for the teahouse by giving a real feeling that there is a whole spectrum of familiarity with Pandaren culture.

09/10/2018 12:34 AMPosted by Yozu
That was one of the most chill, laid back, relaxing and beautiful events I've been to in a while!
Exactly what we were aiming for. Providing a setting and ambience where people can share their IC stories and goals without the pressure of scripted events is (hopefully) our small contribution to the wider community.

09/06/2018 09:03 PMPosted by Zogdor
This reminds me a lot of the Skypetal teahouse. I miss those guys.
09/06/2018 09:30 PMPosted by Lintsehsu
Who were the skypetal teahouse? :O
09/10/2018 01:58 AMPosted by Zogdor
They were a monthly/bi monthly group that did a similar thing in the same location.

I had heard of them but they were gone before I had a chance to make it. Had no idea it was in the same location. :D Have to include that in the IC conversation next time.

09/09/2018 10:24 PMPosted by Jinseon
A few shots of the event! Really cool to see such interesting cross-faction interaction. :-D

Things got so busy I just didn't remember to grab shots. Thanks for doing so.

09/06/2018 02:36 PMPosted by Jinseon
You can expect Jinseon to be there, perhaps with some snacks ;-)
Special thanks are due to Jinseon & Zhuona for their contributions to the tasty Nomnoms. And for helping with some of the behind the scenes logistics as well.
09/06/2018 05:15 PMPosted by Lintsehsu
the kegfist brewery should collaborate with the teahouse once in a while to make a great feast!

Something that was discussed (OOC channels) at the Summit and in several threads here on the forum is the need for dependable RP hotspots in Pandaria. Mistfall Village is a great setting for a hub – no heavy OOC traffic, a variety of spots for different kinds of interactions, etc. There's a whole food court area on one of the terraces that would be perfect for anyone who would like to set up a separate business happening at the same time. And also when Quilen & Cloud is closed. Selfishly, I'd like to have a chance for some relaxing interactions when i'm puttering around on business IC or just want to hang out with people I know from the teahouse. :D

Definitely would like there to be more people involved. Probably should hire a couple of assistants or maybe even start a partnership. Having a Pandaren from each faction would let us do the same thing we do as a vendor at other events – give people real teas so that they can use the drinking animations IC. Let me spend more time chatting IC if there's someone to hand off the serving to for a little while as well. Not to mention that with a little bit of help during the event I wouldn't be too exhausted to run the teahouse more often. ;)

09/10/2018 12:40 AMPosted by Nirmam
This was such a fun event to attend, really was fun, especially on a character I barely RP as :U.

09/10/2018 01:26 AMPosted by Ruifang
It was really fun and the first RP event I've attended in a long time.
Some more of the reasons the teahouse got started:

Creating a space where people can just sit quietly IC while waiting for other events to start or are in one of those unpredictably long instance queues.

Providing an opportunity to try out new characters or explore an existing character's backstory. Giving people a chance to discover others they might support in overlapping character arcs. Both in a low-key setting without any long term commitments or expectations.

A relaxed IC setting to meet people from guilds and see if there's a fit both IC & OOC. Conversely, if any RP guilds think the teahouse is an appropriate setting for IC interviews you're more than welcome to attend.

Same goes for spreading the word IC about any upcoming open RP activity such as the various market nights and cultural events.

Please post about any of these you find interesting. Be sure to contribute your own ideas as well. The more the teahouse offers matches your own wants & desires the longer we can keep it going.

09/09/2018 02:43 PMPosted by Zhuona
Next time I'll just hand parcels over directly to Cousin Yak Ring. His rates are much more reasonable.
Cousin Yak Ring is an alt i'm leveling enough to show up at various places as a trader. For instance: he'd be around if I've got time to relax before the teahouse starts. Besides tea he deals in luckydos. The OOC idea is for people with a gray item and enough of a spiel about it to get him to trade their gray for a BoE green or blue. If nothing else you'll get a vendor trash upgrade and I get some IC enjoyment before I have to do a lot of OOC management. :D

GUEST BOOK – between people coming on characters other than the ones they use in forum posts, IC names that are quite different from the in-game ones, and the problems of tracking what character goes with what community or battletag name, it's almost impossible for me to stay in touch with people in between events. Having a guestbook at the teahouse (OOC a forum post “signed guestbook” + character name) would help a lot.

RAFFLE - Sometimes people feel obligated to give real gold. It's great to get a little something to help out with the expenses. But Quilen & Cloud is meant to share Pandaren culture not to help me get rich. Having a troll charm dropped in the box last night was a lot more fun. And I usually get accused of being too generous at some point during the proceedings. :D A raffle of things that put Kunbo's artistic skills to use – such as the kites, origami animals, and other crafted items – could be an enjoyable way for people to contribute some gold IC without embarrassing Kunbo with large tips. That would keep all of us happy IC and OOC I think.

And for those worried about a “raffle” and the EULA prohibition of gambling – this is just an extension/combination of leaving a tip (which happens already) and me giving some “thank you” trades for personal IC interactions I appreciate (which happens already). Neither is a violation.

HOLIDAYS - This week we went to the Wanderer's Festival. In two weeks we'll be having a potluck as a way of celebrating the harvest festival. Kunbo's contribution will be some seasonal additions to the menu.

With the teahouse happening twice a month it's possible to have a variety of themes. Alternating Wanderer's Festival with something related to whatever event is happening in any given month is one idea. Having some kind of hunting party during Noblegarden is in the works. Got a couple of other ideas as well – such as turning whatever Sunday is closest to New Year's Eve into a celebration of Shaohao's birthday - but could really use some suggestions.

CATERING – A couple people mentioned IC that they had seen us and enjoyed our teas at other events. Our SWU friends were sorely missed last night as well. Please keep in mind that Quilen & cloud is available for catering at both guild and open RP events on either faction.

MESSAGE BOARD – ever since we started appearing as a pop-up stall at open events there have been very complimentary comments on the menu art. I could do something similar to represent an IC version of the message boards found in the big cities. Something like the boards in some local stores, restaurants or community centers irl. The menu is set up as a GIMP file layered in such a way that it doesn't take very long to change the text. If there's enough interest in having a public place to post personal or group messages I'd start work on a piece in the same style as the menu that could be updated periodically in the same way. No guarantee how quickly it would be ready, but I'd post notice in the WrA forum – then people could either post here, send in-game mail, etc. about what they want to put on the board.
I just Wanted to chime in and say how much fun Everything was. The idea of no limitations with a gnome from moonguard, my Alliance from ed and it was very Horde heavy which Really showed me how fun cross rp can be.

Xia has always been a neutral and often horde leaning character but has never really got involved with the faction war. Being able to be at an event with no Limits was quite brilliant and is always something I have been for.

Not being limited by faction or server is ideal for roleplay especially when you play a character who has an identity as themselves and isn't defined by their faction(which is true for many rpers even those who aren't neutral)
09/10/2018 04:43 PMPosted by Xiayyrla
I just Wanted to chime in and say how much fun Everything was. The idea of no limitations with a gnome from moonguard, my Alliance from ed and it was very Horde heavy which Really showed me how fun cross rp can be.
TYVM. Other times the patronage has been more Alliance. Though - as you point out - that doesn't really matter.

09/10/2018 04:43 PMPosted by Xiayyrla
Not being limited by faction or server is ideal for roleplay especially when you play a character who has an identity as themselves and isn't defined by their faction(which is true for many rpers even those who aren't neutral)
Checked several of the sites that post statistics & it's pretty consistent: only about 5% of characters are Pandaren. The stats hold both game-wide & on WrA specifically. It's split more or less evenly between A & H. Even on an RP server not all of that 5% are actually Rpers. It's gonna be an even smaller percentage interested in actively pursuing cross-faction socializing. So whatever we can do as a Pandaren RP community to widen the opportunities for amiable interaction is really important.