[A/H] Kalimdor United - discord community project

I’d like to invite you and your guild to join in on a new Kalimdor-based discord project called “Kalimdor United.”

The idea is to get the guilds of Kalimdor together in order to coordinate events and to discuss community related issues. The idea is to get more attendance for community events, and to perhaps collaborate on projects involving RP, PVP, and PVE. All Guild masters share an equal rank, and discuss things on a level playing field, with no one guild having more influence than another. All officers will have a chance to coordinate as well, because as we know, they are what keeps our guilds running on a day to day basis.

Every Kalimdor based guild matters. Whether they are Draenei, Worgen, Kaldorei, or a combination of everything. Your voice is equal and all issues will be resolved with fairness, and especially no drama. If you have any questions, feel free to whisper me in game, or message me at headlocks#1857 on discord!



Join us! Because the people and community are amazing! :purple_heart:

Join because Commander Evermoon COMMANDS YOU.

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Za’tiya’s Seal of Approval. :white_check_mark:

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