Hello my name is Zinrokhin but some people call me Zin.
Some of you may know me from my posts here on the forums or from various sites where the WoW community is present. I’ve decided to start my own guild with a focus on effectively getting it’s members what they want.
Currently I am seeking new members on Kel’Thuzad to help establish this guild!
The roles that I am looking for are as follows if any of these sound like you, you agree to follow the guild rules, and you’re looking for a guild please message me in game, stop by the Discord server ( https://discord.gg/wY2jQFD ), or reply to the forum post. I’ve deliberately kept the descriptions short to keep things concise but if you’d like more information feel free to reach out to me.
I’ve also left a quick bio about who I am at the bottom of this recruitment post.
Run Times
PM Server Time
Open Roles:
You’re a player who’s looking to get geared up and start doing mythic plus content or raiding. In this role you will be sought out and invited to guild events to help you achieve your goals.
M+ Member:
You’re a player who enjoys running mythic plus keys and using voice chat to communicate with team members to take down bosses, call things out, and follow mechanics. When running an instance you are aware of your surroundings as to avoid pulling extra mobs or standing in stuff that causes un-necessary damage.
You’re looking for a higher calling and to do something significant for the guild. In this role you will scout out new talent for the guild through the prescribed methods of recruitment and help keep the peace in guild. You’re good at communicating with others and working with people.
Guild Rules:
These rules are to help keep things civil and maintain an active place that everyone can enjoy. These rules are subject to change and if that occurs the community will be notified.
Rule One:
Accept or decline guild events in the calendar. If there is a time that works better for you let an officer know, mention it in guild chat, or talk to the GM. If you just aren’t interested or can’t go that’s understandable just let us know by declining the event.
Rule Two:
Have a microphone for voice chat. You don’t need to install Discord in-game voice chat is now a feature and it works fine.
Rule Three:
Don’t yell in chat voice or text (all caps).
Rule Four:
Obey the rules of the game.
Report guild members to officers or the GM if they are breaking the guild rules or acting in a negative or harmful way towards you or others inside or outside of the guild. If they are breaking the rules of the game report them to Blizzard; your report will be kept anonymous they don’t release who reports who.
5: Have fun!
A little about myself:
I’m 25 years old from Seattle and I have over ten years experience playing the World of Warcraft and I’ve been a member of the World of Warcraft MVP program (green posters) since 2018. I’m a pretty chill individual and I enjoy keeping a growth mindset to maintain a state of on-going improvement. I’ve ran a few guilds in the past and implemented a good structure that serves the community well. I believe in professionally keeping track of things using Google sheets and analyzing where things can be done better through on-going input from guild members.
It takes a lot to run a guild right and I’ve been lucky enough to help manage a few over my years of playing the game. However, for a while I chose to try and just be a member of a guild though I find that I’m best at the game and enjoy it the most when I’m making a difference for the community with a guild that effectively takes care of it’s members. From my experience I find such guilds that are open to all players are few and far between. Which is why I’m now starting up recruitment for this guild.
My long term vision is a guild that effectively takes care of all players that join it by utilizing management tools that account for the various variables of all it’s members. It’d be my honor to be your guild master and I look forward to hearing from you!