First, our guild is “Go Vegan”, not “We Are Vegan.”
Second, our guild info and advertisements state that all are welcome to join our guild.
In short, no, we are not “That Vegan Safe Space of Your Dreams That You’ve Desired Since Wrath.” Without reading, you just joined our guild expecting otherwise. Without reading, you failed our Discord verification, got listed as a troll, and had to be manually appealed.
Your presumptions aside, we do ban toxic people almost everyday. However, there was no perceived reason to ban the people who upset you. If you are going to make that case, then you should explain how. Otherwise you just seem overly sensitive about typical nonvegan stuff in a public guild you mistook for a private one.
Note that plenty of opportunities for activist discourse did exist throughout your short stay in our guild, along with actual ongoing conversations between fellow vegans and nonvegans. We find it strange for you to criticize a lack of discussion, having made none nor participated in any yourself.
We are indeed trying to keep our numbers high. Besides increasing the likelihood of groups forming each week for the multiple people asking in g-chat for them, we welcome the interests, arguments, and questions that follow from inviting anyone willing to join.
With your rather limited experience here, it is presumptuous to claim that only the leadership of Go Vegan is vegan. Our Discord has plenty of vegans from other platforms, games, and servers. Even our current guild on Sargeras, despite being relatively fresh, has multiple vegans, for what it matters.