[A] Geronimo! Hardcore Casual

Hey guys and gals,

Has Classic gutted your guild? Looking for a new place with a group of awesome people? Geronimo! Is looking for you too!

We’ve been around for a long time now. Started in Pandaria and have kept the same core of people since. We pick up awesome people along the way and lose others just like every guild. We have about 14 stable core members right now and are hopping to reach a solid 20 so we can finally push into Mythic like we know we can. If we sound like a good fit to you keep reading below for the boring stuff.

[A] Sargeras Server
Raid times: Wed/Thur 8-11pm server
Main needs: Holy Pally, Boomkin, Warlocks, Hunters, and any other DPS
Current progress: 8/8H

We typically push into the middle of the tier for each mythic raid and hope once we get a solid 20 we can lock in that CE.

Message me here or find me in game on Oxbrew or Harbora. Harbora#1860 is my btag.