A Genuine Pandaren Question

Well, I have been personally oppressing every individual Horde player since the expansion started…


That sounds exhausting.

She’s taking all the credit. We work in shifts.


It is a heavy burden, but it is mine.


Oh whatEVER.

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I’m sworn to carry your burdens…

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:: dabs in Pandaren ::

Gong smash.

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The best way to put it for Pandarens is the conflict of loyalty.
Huojin and Tushui Pandarens joined their respective factions after the events of the Wandering Isle. There is also the loyal people from Pandaria that choose their side there.

Pandarens are less defined by blood grudges because their people were influenced by both factions. Its the events that spur that define their choices from here. Some of the Pandaren from Honeydew Village must be enraged at the Horde still for their forced slavery, and vice versa. There are Pandarens who hate the Horde because of Garrosh and the Golden Vale; despite his dethroning.

Part of me believes its a personal choice if you take up one faction or the other. My pandaren grew strong bonds among the Horde and vowed to uphold them. He doesn’t have a fond view of the Alliance due in part of the slavery in the Horde introductions… but also grew respect for the Horde in their efforts. (And he also was involved in Vol’jin’s defense of Kun-Lai in Shadow of the Horde.)

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Anti-Slavery Pandaren joins the faction that openly practices and supports slavery?

Not everyone is perfect, nor is every pandaren aware of every bad action the Horde does.

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I would not really call tricking them into building a base to defend them against the Horde eventually invading slavery really (heck the NPC’s are even called Pandaren Volunteer). Yes it was wrong to do and they should of been more upfront but I remember doing these quests back in MoP hoping that the Alliance did anything remotely as bad as what the Horde did to Pandaria and its people and just being like

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But…I mean, it’s right there in Battle for Azeroth. If you have ever visited Stormsong Valley, you are aware of it.

It just seems weird that slavery should be the driving motivation for joining the Horde but not a concern once you’re in the Horde.

Oh indeed, I understand that part. Its a clear division. But its hard to really get the Pandaren’s full view since they’re so divided by not only main land and wandering isle. There’s also your own personal view where your panda would be.

Its a difficult road… and there’s honestly barely any reason at all why Ji Firepaw is still in the Horde while we think about it. But alas…

Honestly; I can’t defend anything here since its all poor. But I do believe it comes down to loyalty.

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The Huojin are by nature impulsive.

I think the Tushui are more likely to have actually considered the slavery bit. The Huojin kinda just run in and serve the faction that they feel aligns with their philosophy of action the most.

That said, I must admit it does boggle belief as to why any self-respecting Pandaren would want to serve the Horde. I’m not saying there’s no reason… but there’s a hell of a lot more reasons NOT to serve the Horde. I mean, they’ve done a lot more destroying than building, and that destruction includes some of Pandaria’s most sacred sites in the last war. Now it’s happening all over again and we’re not batting an eye, which is weird.

A faction whose defining core is impulsiveness is nonetheless steadfastly loyal to a faction that opposes everything they believe in?


Hey, did you know if someone doesn’t ask for criticism on a character concept, you don’t have to criticize it relentlessly? You can just not pepper them with criticism and let them do their thing, while you, y’know, don’t harass someone with potentially unwelcome criticism.


The Horde as it is shown is irreconcilable with the Horde as it is told. What lore characters do is also frequently irreconcilable with common sense. There are countless reasons why anyone who is opposed to slavery, mass slaughter, wanton destruction, and so on should not join or remain with the Horde – and yet, in lore, there they are. A whole herd of them. And Blizzard are probably not the ones who are going to resolve that inconsistency.

They are probably also not going to resolve the inconsistency between what we are told (the Horde is a ragged collection of flawed but redeemable outcasts, struggling to survive in a world unfairly set against them), and what we are shown (the Horde is a massive military power which regularly engages in pointless killing and destruction). So, since Blizzard won’t do it, each RPer has to resolve that inconsistency in whichever way is most fun for them.

Some will choose to emphasize what we are shown, because that’s more interesting to them, or fits their character concepts better, or because they think that what’s shown in a narrative is more “true” or “valid” than what’s told. That’s not wrong.

Others will choose to emphasize what we are told, because they relate to those themes, or because they find what we’re shown to be distasteful and unfun. That’s also not wrong.

It’s a narrative, it’s all made up, RP is just more made up stuff, and in theory we’re doing all of this for fun. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t pick out the pieces that make us happy, and work around the pieces that don’t.

But then sometimes, people start in with '[The emphasis I’ve chosen] is the valid piece of this narrative; your RP ignores it, so you’re being ridiculous/ignoring the facts/cherry-picking/looking for excuses to harass [whatever faction] players/etc, etc, etc," and that’s wrong, for more than one reason.


Yeah, I think I am going to just keep my pandaren RP wise aligned with the horde since

  1. He respects the Belves given the fact they helped remove Lei Shen. Respect for the Kirin Tor was lost when they broke their neutrality (no, this is not a debate)

  2. Still respects the tauren and darkspear.

  3. Regards the Alliance with real caution since they maintain the ‘venomous’ victim mindset which, in his belief if unchecked, will put the Alliance on a road just as bad as Garrosh. This only reinforced since Alliance by in large doesn’t ever acknowledge wrong in RP when it is committed (because they’re the squeaky clean good guys gais. It’s super cereal and anyone who disagrees need to be mocked)