A Genuine Pandaren Question

Oh. Yeah the Lightbound are like some Bizzaro universe mirror image of the Lightforged.

I’ve never taken their existence to be “this is what the Lightforged will become”. It’s more of an evil alternate dimension sort of thing.

Dao-Yi here is a simple Pandaren, and simply follows the example Ji set… even though she’s a mainlander

“Ah, what a beautiful dinosaur. I’m going to punch it.”


Compare the first couple of actions committed by each faction when they invaded Pandaria. One side fire bombs what they themselves describe as a town (not a military camp) . Then they order soldiers to kill unarmed combatants attempting to surrender. War crimes. Plenty to be leery of.

Great discussion, everyone!

Oh I never once said that he wasn’t leery about what the horde did.

There is a pretty big difference though when one group is still largely alive and breathing and the other was brutally ground to powder as pretty much every faction in Azeroth converged to snuff them out.

Also I apologize to all the Lightforged players I just accidentally insulted there. I did mean lightbound.

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We’re on the same wavelength. :slight_smile: & As several others have pointed out, Pandaren have the advantage of individually deciding IC how they feel about it and being able to play that out - at least in non-aligned rp events.

The Pandaren path appears to have less to do with where you have been, and more to do with where you are going…and the foresight to see when that path heads toward a cliff.

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And, potentially, the desire to try and help steer others from said cliffs!


That’s why Zen hangs out with Horde folks these days. He doesn’t support what the Horde is doing, but it can easier to stop something like that from within. Not through sabotage, but through trying to show people another way.


Right! Some forget allegiances aren’t particularly hard lines. Some have come to love and care for Horde folks over the years and don’t wanna leave 'em in their time of need. People are rightly divided over its current path and just up and leaving won’t fix everything. In an IC sense, anyway. :wink:


Yeah Zhii used to think this, even after Pandaria and after all the things hear heard about what the Horde did prier.

…Then Teldrassil happend and well, its been down hill ever since.

Blizzard completely forgot that Ji Firepaw exists, so it’s safe to assume he has also forgotten the Horde exists.

Sylvanas: Serve the Horde!

Ji Firepaw while fishing off the bridge over a stream: Huh? Horde? What’s that?

Sylvanas: …Ji, you’ve been a member of the Horde ever since-

Sylvanas goes rigid as some weird cooky mind-altering stuff happens.

Sylvanas: Farewell PAndaren, I have a war to win.

Ji Firepaw: …uh. …sure thing.

Ji Firepaw quietly returns to fishing, though now looks visibly disturbed. What is it with people these days!?


Someone has forgotten the teachings of Niuzao :wink:

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sighs and here I was hoping for the standard Alliance flamers not to run in after saying my Pandaren opted not to go blue.

Who’s flaming?


Night elf families.


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I’m confused.

EDIT: Also the minimum character rules have failed to stop this post from contributing nothing.


Cuz they got burned to death at Teldrassil. Don’t make me explain jokes, it makes them not funny.


I actually dont know much lore on the celestials tbh
I just have Zhii follow the Light. But I am interested tho, what did he say about it?

Niuzao teaches determination, perseverance, and strength of will. When the challenge becomes harder, find a way to endure. When it becomes impossible: prove there’s no such thing.

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