A funny thing about classic

Yeah, leveling through pre-cata Azeroth made me attached to my characters. Modern leveling doesn’t do that… ever since questing was streamlined in cata, each alt feels almost entirely interchangeable and of little value, which is no good.


Not to mention nothing you can do in modern WoW can reproduce the social aspect of the game. Yeah, you can take off your heirlooms… and look totally stupid next to everybody else’s alts zipping past you with full heirlooms on a flying mount.

Even if you seek out friends to slow-level with, it’s still not the same – chance encounters with other levelers needing help with elites won’t happen, random people hitting you up for dungeon runs won’t happen, hell you won’t even have to compete for ore and herb nodes (if you even bother with professions with how worthless they’ve become).

Anybody say to “just take your heirlooms off” is missing half the point.

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Which will also make it the #1 way to seed out the worst offenders organically. People that are used to retail will quickly figure out that those types of shenanigans won’t fly in classic.

“why won’t any of these tools invite me anymore?..”


Ummm CoH still had a big player base the company just shut the doors on that one, and know one knows to this day really why it was bring in cash, it was owned by a foreign company they just said shut it down. To this day there are several development teams building a version of the game cause it was so loved and had so many followers. aka…City of Titans…

Coming from a Korean MMO like Ragnarok Online where nothing dropped money, you literally had to sell the loot from monsters to make money and buy weapons, WoW Classic is a piece of joke.

When I tried it long ago on one of my friend’s account I was like:

Dude this game throws weapons and armors just for completing quests and literally shoves money every time I kill some mob. How do I sign up?

Training something I use all the time was okay… but going for achievements in skills you don’t need is funny… Unarmed as a warrior was such a pain in the booty!

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Maybe that is why he is excited? Half the fun was leveling and exploring. The game isn’t only level 60 content, there was more to do leveling 1-60 in Classic than there is in end-game content.

Here is a short list of why it took forever:

  1. No mounts until level 40, so you had to run everywhere.
  2. Even at level 40, unless you hoarded you gold, you may not have enough for a 60% mount.
  3. Quests weren’t located close to their objectives. some took you all over the region for one thing only to turn around and run back only to turn around and run back again.
  4. Hardly any flight points. Remember being Alliance and running to Desolace? How about Tanaris?
    5.Dungeons didn’t have a instant-teleport. You had to run to the entrances.

There is tons of reasons why it took so long. Most of it is just travelling back and forth, because you don’t have half the QoL stuff we do now.

And that is your opinion. You may not find it fun, but maybe some of us will. Who are you to tell others what they will enjoy? Classic will be better to some of us because it is a nice change of pace and challenge.


A lot of what I loved about Classic is how long it took for things.

Do I want that in the current content? No.

But I still want the option to run Vanilla as I experienced it back in the day.

I know this sounds conflicting, but I want Classic like Classic and current content with the QoL. I’ll play both, depending on what my mood is at the time (if I don’t get annoyed enough by the other changes Blizz keeps making - like removing portals - and end up going to another game).

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