Continuity is a 9/10H looking to recruit some extra members to propel us into mythic raiding and increase M+ Group activity. We are a close knit guild that value input from all our raid members and are active in running mythic keystones and other content to benefit our members because we know that in turn benefits the guild. We have developed a strong community of members who are active on discord. Raid Days: Wednesday/Thursday 20:30 - 23:30 Server Time Sundays are optional and will run if there is demand. Mythic Keys: We run these whenever we can but put extra emphasis on Monday/Tuesday to ensure everyone has a minimum of one 252 piece at the end of the week. Recruitment: Potential recruits will be expected to be able to provide logs and talk a bit about their raid experience and expectations. We are also recruiting Social members who are interested in the community or mythic keys. Contact: Keyblade#6785 with any questions or to register interest. Thanks