[A] <Formula> 12/12M - Recruiting

[12/12M] - Sargeras, US [Alliance]

We are seeking extremely active and self-motivated individuals that want to push content as quickly as possible. Attendance, performance and being guild oriented are key in progressing and we encourage applicants to understand this when applying, so as to not waste our/your time.
Guild members are encouraged to keep the guild in there best interest from the day they join the guild to promote a healthy and stable environment for all members. Failing to attend raids at the listed times will not be tolerated and will result in your raid position being opened for immediate recruitment. Players that are recruited will be observed by guild member’s over a trial period, to ensure the individual is a good fit for our team. Attitude comes along way. We strive to stay on top upon a new tier’s release and ask raiders to take additional time during the first 2 weeks of a new raid release.

Currently Recruiting:
Priest Healer
Priest Shadow
Shaman Resto
-Always Accepting Any Class Applications.

RAID RELEASE (First 2 Week Heroic/Mythic):
Up To 7 Raid NIghts (8:30pm-11:30pm EST)

MAIN RAID TIMES (Second Week Mythic Onwards):
Tues/Wed/Thurs (8:30pm-11:30pm EST)

For More Questions To Apply Contact:
GM: Xaba#1395


Looking for any exceptional players for SL

Looking For A Priest Healer For Shadowlands! All Class’s Welcome To Apply!

Active guild lookin for some fellow healers for shadowlands!
Come one come all in our journey to continue getting Cutting Edge!

I am wanting to find a guild for SL
I am currently a hpal main but I wanna go back to my old main mw and feral as my alt. I didnt really raid this season cause I just wasnt enjoying it so I mainly pvp/pushed keys I got 2560io and looking to push them in SL and also mythic raid… I mainly just pugged my raid xp this whole season. I know my classes pretty damn goood to. ive been playing mw/feral since WOD if u have any questions please add me

Btag: Trust#11993
DIscord Trust#8365

Trustt - Added thanks.

Poppin’ guild looking for a healer.

Come get CE with us in Shadowlands

This Blasting guild is LF a healer for SL

Still recruiting dps and healers for SL!

Recruiting healers and dps for shadowlands. Especially if you’re a juicy priest player but I mean we’ll look at anyone. Come get CE!

Always lookin for more friends for our shadowlands team! Can never be too prepared!