A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I definitely agree. “Fresh” NEW Servers doesn’t “fix” anything, hence why I don’t see the point.

But, anyway, I’m not really “overanalyzing”. I’m asking what you (personally) find to be what. Your thoughts are your thoughts.

I meant the complete opposite.

FRESH servers fixes everything that can’t be fixed on a progression server.


Yeah, we’re back to square one.

Disagree. Even other comments here say that they won’t. It’s a temporary/band-aid solution. Which is why I’m asking and digging deeper into how each individual handles “problems”, and let’s work together to fight against it instead of just throwing up our hands and giving up.

EDIT: So, there’s a stigma against GDKP. You explicitly stated to not finding the work to put forth into PuG Raiding as “worth it”, and I still don’t know what is the “unworthy” part. You dodged that question.

How is a fresh server giving up?

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Because “fresh” NEW Servers doesn’t hide you from the garbage. It doesn’t stop Botting, Gold Buying, GDKPs, etc. It’s a temporary solution before complaints and cries ensue again for more “fresh” NEW Servers, and this cycle repeats, endlessly. I don’t find it worth it.

So, we should counter it with the tools that we have. I still don’t know what the “not worth it” part means. You keep dodging that question. What’s “not worth it”?

EDIT: I just find trying to “run away” from all of these “problems” not an effective solution. We can try to run onto all the “fresh” NEW Servers, as much as we want. But, we can never hide away from it. The garbage ALWAYS follows, so “fresh” NEW Servers isn’t a solution. What’s a better solution to counter all of this?

I want to raid with people who have similar goals as me. Pugging never achieves that. And even if I wanted to PUG a raid it would be a GDKP run.

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OK, PuGs are just that…PuGs. They’re not a Group of people in the same Guild (nor your friends). Even folks in the same Guild don’t always think alike, but I digress.

Neither do Guilds. It’s why I have a particular friend’s list but even then, they still have different goals than me, as they should.

Why is that? Why not an SR run? Or even an “Open Rolls” system? Why would you participate in GDKP, if you don’t like it?

Lol yes guilds do achieve what I want. I’ve witnessed it first hand. Sounds like you should stay on progression servers where you are happy. I’ll play on my fresh server. We both win.

That everybody thinks, walks, talks, acts, etc., like you? LOL Keep believing that :+1:

I’ve witnessed people being cordial with each other, yes.

You’re deflecting.

If they were to come out, sure, but you dodged the question. It’s funny, you admit to PuG a GDKP while simultaneously dissing it, and it makes no sense!

Well, I will. You won’t, though. I predict some more complaints about how unhappy you are with such “fresh” NEW Servers, once they stale out, and you demand for more because they’ve become the garbage that you hate LOL

Of course. Then we do fresh again.

I just want a new TBC server that is a progression server and never wipes, personally.

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Exactly LOL

I told you there’s two different “fresh” Groups. One is for “fresh” NEW Servers, and others are for “fresh” Seasonal Servers which is why I (personally) HAVE to separate y’all.

from my perspective there is no difference. In fact that only really affects blizzard


There is. Even people in this thread advocating for “fresh” NEW Servers don’t want “fresh” Seasonal Servers and have expressed that there IS a difference between the two.

I told you I wasn’t making this up, but nobody wanted to believe me LOL

Laugh all you want. What I said is true. Just because something contains a fallacy doesn’t mean that the conclusion is false. So, whenever some (not all) like to disregard posts merely for “containing a fallacy” are being equally “fallacious”.

Fresh TBC server is a waste of time if it includes the 58 boost.

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I agree. I also think they won’t be very good if Blizzard allows character transfers onto them as well. The server I want is definitely one that is setup for the journey. :smiley:


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Im with you. But sadly Blizz gives zero :poop:s about the journey. The Blue post said as much.

Which post was that? I would be interested in reading that. I may need to find another MMORPG if that is the case.



Bro…just cause some people see a difference between them doesn’t mean that’s how I see it!

In my eyes it’s the same thing. New server only means I might get new players. Which is a big Plus for me. Otherwise, no difference.