A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I wouldn’t roll on a fresh start TBC server personally, but I see no reason to not launch a couple fresh servers for those who love the leveling experience, so you’ve got my support.


Fresh will be extremely popular and could be a lot of fun on PVE. PVP will be hell for Alliance. But I support it and would play on it with a fresh new class never played which might really immerse me into that realm.

I think they will have a couple pvp and pve servers each when it opens.


I think fresh TBC servers would be so popular that Blizzard would have to add a lot more than a couple. I think this is one reason Blizzard probably won’t open any fresh TBC servers as it would reveal the demand and Blizzard really doesn’t want to deal with it.


True lol xD

Blizz and always been cautious to add servers but they do. No way to know how popular unless you create one and two each in different time zones which isn’t overwhelming. Keep asking. We got classic pvprp that way and Grobb was popular.


Blizzard! Puuuuuhhhhhlease! Give us fresh TBC servers.

I am so ready to give it all up for some fresh servers.


The only thing formal about this request is how you dressed it up.

You mean like starting over from retail to classic? I see a lot of 60’s. I bet there will be a lot of 70’s. Private server players are numerous and many love fresh starts. Blizz can capture many of those players. Its not personal, its business.


Well if all else fails we can just go back to regular TBC servers and just pay for the levels you say we can’t get too.

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Starting fresh on retail? are you high its like 5 hours to get max level in retail from a month or two in classic LOL

you think these kids understand any of that? They’re dumb. Half of the people in this post arent even posting with 60s, because they never got to 60 LMAO

Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time, Godtier. Only way someone lashes out like this is to fill a gap IRL.

Hope it gets better, hang in there.

Even posting from alts with same typing format. Oof buddy, find a hobby please.


How is someone lashing out because they made a valid point? Get to level 60 bro nice 32 rogue

What are you even on about, lol go take your meds and try again

Fresh servers will be no different, There will still be boosts gold buyers and GDKP runs and you’re an idiot if you think otherwise.

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Yep just a bunch of lowbies crying because they didnt hit 60 Lol

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That was stated in the top of the post, and if they continue their lack of policing, sure, RMT will be there, but the Classic economy won’t be coming with it.

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Oh well? Theres 10000s of bots… and people buy gold IT DONT MATTER please log on your 60 and show us

them’re fightin’ words, tex. :grin:

Apparently I have to break down my comment for you. You stated fresh would not work out and good luck getting past 55.

My point was people have 120’s and rerolled permanently to Classic and made it to 60. So people can drop those 60’s and reroll fresh and grind up to 70. Just like when they released new servers back in the day. There are a lot of fresh players and the private servers support that argument.

I said nothing about fresh start on retail. Fresh will be very popular and I think it will happen. Why do you care if people ask for it? I am not sure I will play on it but I support it as I believe it is economically viable for Blizz. Making fun of people being dramatic about it doesn’t help.

i remember retail players making similar comments about players wanting Classic. Support your fellow players.