A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I am also a 4000 ranked glad player. I can play this game too.

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I would very much appreciate this! I joined classic late only to discover how bad the boosting purchases have replaced actual dungeon groups. If we get a fresh tbc at least that will be postponed for a good while




Does putting “a formal request” in the title mean mods will read it and send it to corporate?

Maybe as compensation for today’s mishaps…make a fresh server? Blizz? Just throwing it out there.


This is clearly why its taking them so long! :open_mouth:

You’re onto something! :upside_down_face:

(Haha I wish)


blizz needs to roll fresh out now…OUTRAGE!!!


No it means it’s someone asking to speak with the manager RIGHT NOW because they didn’t get exactly what they wanted.

We all know the type.

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This is my formal reply to this request: siuya fresh servers.

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I completely agree. The gold that has been introduced through RMT has changed the game in very negative ways. I personally avoid any interactions which I wouldn’t have made in the original version. To have strict and fresh servers for TBC would ensure the game that all these people have spent countless hours and dollars playing remains true to its origins.


Steers it towards a more respectful and constructive topic thread instead of random flame fest.

Illiteracy still happens, it seems. :wink:


i dont see any server names that look new

Goodluck, Blizzard just wants to sell boosts. Cannot sell boosts for a fresh realm


A “formal request” would be printed on fancy paper, delivered by courier and requiring a signature.

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bingo my man


If I go to a restaurant and don’t get the service I should, I ask to see the manager and wait patiently. Those who have voiced their opinions for fresh have waited fairly patiently. People are not exactly calling ActiBli$$ion telling them to check their TBC threads already!

Oh. And bump to this.

All I can ascertain about Gardoomforge and Anne is that they fight over which stinky ActiBli$$ion foot they get to kiss for the day in the forums. Hooray for the ActiBli$$ion guardians!

Gardoomforge, you never argue anything legitimately and just want to cause dissension because you like to do so. No valid points for no fresh servers. No points for or against a reply from ActiBli$$ion. Just trash, ActiBli$$ion defense. How much are they paying you?

If I get terrible service for which I am paying, I express my distaste. Kissing rear end doesn’t expedite any service, especially from ActiBli$$ion.

But you keep on huffing that parmesan, Gardoomforge. You go above and beyond butt-kissing. We all know how much you so very, very much love ActiBli$$ion. Valentine’s Day happens in February. They don’t need your love letters.

You would be waiting on the manager until closing time. A pasta joint. Serving plenty of parmesan.

Will this topic seriously, earnestly set the record for the largest post without a single blue reply? Looks like it!

Not at all surprised at this point.

Ugh Facepalm There will be NO fresh new TBC servers what you see is what you get,
just be happy with what you have Veruca Salt. What will you ask for next, a goose that lays gold eggs for Easter?

You are insulting and demanding of Blizzard—consistently so. Your disgusting references to feet are not appreciated by anyone. Perhaps you enjoy knowing that you are grossing people out.

Weird how you are so aggressive and so entitled—and all the white you see yourself deserving a blue response because you’ve posted so many rude posts and insulted blizzard so many times. Makes no sense. Why the hell should they respond to you?

Opening new servers will affect their own boosting services and they will give excuses like there are still many low population servers out there. They only care about profits, not the players.

Personally, I am going to continue to see how things truly play out. I will be patient. Come 3K posts, at least this post will serve as a testament to a thread that has gotten a great deal of views, let alone responses.

3K responses is something. Incredible. If we don’t get it, again I won’t be surprised. But I will continue checking out even after the pre-patch launch. I dip in every few days. All anyone who want fresh can do at the moment.

As it stands, it is truly pathetic there has not been a yes, no or never after 3000 posts. This isn’t bad service. It is zero service.