A forgiving rating system

Hello everyone!

I think we can all agree that right now the rating system is incredibly flawed. A lot of people are stuck at 1500-1600 and I believe most people who play at this rating are not 1500-1600 players. 1500-1600 players right now would be 1800-1900 back in wrath. While 1200-1300 players would be 1500-1600 players right now. While the rating right now is incredibly inflated by players reaching 3300 at the beginning in the season. I think we should have a more forgiving rating system at lower ratings.

What this means is at lower ratings (below 2k) there is a gradual increase in rating for each win while when you lose you lose less rating then you do now. And eventually with enough play you should be able to reach 1800 to obtain 213 gear. This is a gradual system so you start gaining less rating and losing more rating the higher you climb reaching a point where rating is like it is right now (Less say 2k-2100 completely arbitrary). Obviously like when you first start climbing you gain 192 rating when you win and when you lose you lose 0 rating, HOWEVER, not that forgiving. Like 500 wins-500 losses will reach you 1800 or something of that sort.


  • Increased PvP participation because people can now obtain decent gear from PvP with enough time (213 is the same as heroic raid gear)

  • Faster gearing of alts

  • Hopefully less toxic atmosphere at lower ratings as a loss is not the end of the world.

  • People are motivated to PvP and have fun doing it. Knowing that they are still reaching their goal even after a bad que session.

Lastly, I know this may upset some people who honestly did work really hard to achieve above 2k and so forth. So I feel the rewards should still matter for people who achieve higher ratings. Like the elite T-mog set back at 2200 and maybe a glad title at 2600 instead of 2400? I honestly don’t know that can be up to discussion but I just want more people to start pvping again and have fun doing it. It’s just ridiculous how hard for the average player to obtain 213 gear in PvP compared to PvE. I just want to help those players who are struggling and feel like giving up.

So please let me know if any you guys have any other ideas or tweaks or if my post is just bad and people just need to “Git Gud” Thanks.


PvErs have been complaining since the start of the season that 226 pvp gear is easy to get, which is mythic level gear. PvE drops are also pretty non existent with the nerf to bonus rolls being removed and just an overall lack of gear. M+ loot got severely nerfed as well.

It’s actually easier to gear via PvP atm AND you can upgrade that gear further when you rank higher in the future. I’m 221 item level which makes me about the 220th geared priest in the game according to wowprogress, and I’ve done AOTC and obtained Gladiator all in arena gear. I’ve barely PvEd at all this expansion.

Good players will climb.

People that want to improve will climb.

PvP takes commitment and a positive outlook to succeed. It’s not like PvE where you can just memorize a script and it stays the same for the next 6 months til the next tier.


1600 gives 213 gear btw. 1800 gives 220

I think the pvp gearing is fine, the only thing that sucks hard is gearing a fresh toon, even doing random bg’s at ilvl 160 ur completely useless.


I’m doing Heroic progression currently. It’s crazy that 1600 gives you heroic level pve gear imo. It’s honestly much harder to do heroic nath than get 1600.

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I definitely agree, I just had a couple of friends quit the game being stuck at 1500 after 500 games, and they been 2k and 2200 in previous seasons. So I thought I’ll make this post because I know some may have the same experience and I have no friends to play with :frowning:


Actually thats wrong. Atm its hard to get 1600 due to all the rank 1 carries at 1300+ mmr. Its friggin hard.


I’ve gotten 1800 and am doing heroic progression (not gotten aotc yet). I’m telling you it’s easier.

objectively speaking you could argue 1600 is hard considering the general pvp population is terrible. But I would argue certainly no harder than heroic raids.

You got 1800 probably cheesing. Doubt you got it in lfg with plebs


You got 1800 probably cheesing. Doubt you got it in lfg with plebs

lmao I have no idea why you would assume I “cheesed” it. But yeah I didn’t use lfg much, a few people in my guild pvp. Mind you I’m the highest rated out of them lol

Curious, what classes were they playing?

So you want to be rewarded for being bad. Isnt that what PvE is for?

Sounds to me like you got carried to 1800 by the paladin class and now on alts you cant break 1300. Does this say more about the system, or people playing paladins?

I am wearing my Wrathful tabard. How come im not 1500?

See the funny thing is that when high ilvl gear comes from a source that is hard to get, PvE players complain and its a problem, but when that high ilvl only comes from PvE it isn’t.

The reality of the situation is that a lot of “2200 xp” players are facing the fact that it was a long time ago and they’re not as good as they thought.

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Didn’t read but I think it was dumb when I noticed I was losing double the rating per loss than what I was getting per win.

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That’s wrong. It’s pretty difficult to hit 1600 unless you’re doing rbgs or playing the meta. 2’s and 3’s are incredibly competitive with people running around with mythic gear stomping on people who only geared straight PvP. The gear disparity is massive this season and the balance really pushes you towards playing the meta. I’m at 597 games played with 1544 being my best rank but unfortunately I didn’t do arena before the hunter nerfs and people realized all my damage happens after 3-4 telegraphed globals.


It aint the gear


Gear does not play as much of a factor as knowing people or having set teammates. Climbing in lfg is not easy when you have to queue with people stuck at that CR as well.

logged in queed into 40k ret pala one shotted my healer logged out, great game

100% my faulT i cant gain rating btw


Every game ive played this season is from LFG and im still climbing week to week

Once you reach a certain CR gets easier to find competent partners. If you can find good caliber teams while swimming at the murky bottom, good on ya but not everyone is so fortunate.

Everyone starts at 0

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