A forgiving rating system

Everyone does. Your ilvl is 215 And youre almost 600 games deep. You sure your rating is still climbing week to week?

The problem with the system really comes down to who you play with. If you consistently are winning 60% of the time, you WILL climb with a friend of equal skill and rating. The reason the current system is punishing noobs isn’t their skill, its that they play with random people and no comms and/or will play with a friend who is 200 rating below them. ANY TIME you play with someone who is lower rated than you, if you aren’t a god tier player who wins every.single.match…then you are practically guarunteed to lower your rating. You will need to average a 90% winrate or higher in order to simply maintain or just nudge your rating higher. It is possible, however, to carry someone 10 or so games in a row to a high MMR where you will not lose points—though this is extraordinarily rare. Once you understand the system its not very punishing, but this holds a lot of players back because the system is not well explained, versus TBC or Wrath where you were locked into your arena team, and always played with the same people with few exceptions. The current system essentially requires this…but its not apparent. Because its not apparent, people will take any partner within a 200 pt radius of their rating and end up auto-losing points. If you’re observing the system and you’re currently hard stuck at 1500-1600…im sorry but i dont think you’re anything more than that. You may feel like you’re an excellent player, but the fact of the matter is that you aren’t winning matches at or above your MMR. You’re stagnant because you lose pretty often to people at higher ratings mid-climb. You go on cold streaks and lose 5 games in a row. The system is actually a profiundly good system for ensuring people land at their appropriate CR for their MMR potential. Its only a failure if you do not understand how the system works and you consistently undermine your own success by teaming up with anyone below 25 rating of your own cr. Find a consistent partner that you win more than 65% of the time with, and ONLY play with them if you want to climb. Even playing a few matches and tanking your rating 60 points not only penalizes you but also your partner the next time you play.

There’s no such thing as “x rated” players. Ratings aren’t static difficulties like heroic or mythic.

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Bro youre almost 400 games in at 1400cr with a negative w/l not sure why youre throwing shade lol


Not everyone starts at the very same time. You are more likely to find lesser partners later on in the season.

Not true people are playing alts all the time

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They have more HP but they aren’t running 26% vers. Its laughable when you go up against a pve player with 40k HP and 8% vers. They get destroyed.

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It depends when they hit that rating. Later in the season its not difficult to hit 2.1k -2.2k, especially if its post season. They may have been fooled by the timing they chose to play arenas.

So because you say that you think it will apply to everyone? Sure, I’m convinced you got an answer for everything.

You guys just want to hide behind excuses

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I don’t get how myself, someone who’s almost just started pvp this expansion, can hit 1800 in a few weeks of practice and people just tell me “you’re wrong its super hard to hit 1600.”

Let me sum up the next few excuses from Murrk and some classic alts:
*700 Games

*I’m higher rating than my partner
*(yeah I had to practice a lot)
*I just upgraded all of it since I hit 1800
@Murrk what else you got

Who is “you guys”? Lol the superiority complex really runs high with kids today.

All of you blaming your walls on these imaginary barriers

Blaming what? I’m just giving you perspective, not excuses but you are so focused on trolling you can’t see that. Is literally all you do in these forums.

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You’re angry your support group isn’t in a safe space

Hunter’s aren’t in a good spot due to their kit being predictable and frontloaded, the meta teams stomp on Hunters, facing off against people with a 5-15 ilvl advantage, I don’t have a hpally to duo with, and I’m not a pro. I’m not 2400 glad but I’m also not a 1000 scrub, I can tell when there’s some jank going on in arena.


Ashamed to have given the guy an actual response. He’s doing the old troll of “The only variable is skill” as if a MW, being the same skill as a hpally, will end up at the same rating at the end of the season.


Yeah somewhere around 1500 probably. There’s plenty of hunters doing well still, I have lost to my fair share.

Obviously no one believes this, however both of them will be past 1600 if they’re halfway decent that’s for sure.