A fix to Community Elitism. Getting into keys in S2 is Impossible

options to fix this problem, from most complete/easy fix to least complete/easy fix:

  1. play with friends and never have to pug again
  2. learn to tank - instant invites to basically anything you apply to
  3. learn to heal - near instant invites to basically anything you apply to, as long as you’re not like 205 ilvl, 300 io applying to a +18
  4. run your own keys

edit: this isn’t some wacky theory. i got sick of trying to pug keys as shadow in s1, and rarely got to run with guildies because outside of raid time i have basically no scheduled/guaranteed play time. “hey guys, who wants to run keys maybe later tonight but possibly i won’t be on until two days from now?” doesn’t make it easy to run with a set group.

instead of blaming elitists, i leveled a resto shaman to 60 and ended up loving it. i pug the vast majority of my keys, though i’ll grab a guildy or two if they happen to be running when i’m on. i ran out of time last season to get KSM but i’m at 1750 io so far this season without much trouble. i don’t get into every key i apply to, but most of them.


Here’s the easiest fix in the world, stop doing m+.

Semper Fi! :us:

You are a tank and you also have a healer already. There is an abundance of DPS applying for mythic+ groups. So I guess roll a tank OP and find pocket heals.

It’s hard for every DPS to get into PUGs. Hopefully this has been discussed already in here, but that’s the reality.

Or learn an offspec. I have some sympathy for a rogue complaining that they can’t get into groups, a lot less for a class that could tank AND heal but CHOOSES not to.

The OP said he’s applying to +5s. Are 2k rating players applying to +5s? And if so, why? (Although if they are, that’s even less reason to hesitate to run your own keys!)

Not something that you do straight in 15s though, and i can understand people not wanting to play the other 2 roles, they’re vastly different from their main one.

But it is indeed a solution if someone does want to solve their own problem.

It already exists, raiderio.

We must be playing a different game.

This will never be a consideration for keys, as people dont even really consider healers for healing anymore. (See venthyr hpal)

Why would anyone care about someone’s performance in a totally different game mode, when their performance in the actual gamemode is right in front of them?

Unless you are a healer or tank, your queue will be very long.

Things get better once you get KSM, but by then you may not need to M+ anymore in the first place.

Sadly it is what it is.

Push your own key is the only real solution.

Doing that doesn’t actually create more tanks.

Of course running your own keys isn’t gonna creat more tanks.

That’s a separate issue altogether.

I’m just providing a solution for the thread topic.

I mean, I’m a main tank and I currently pug 100% of my keys.

But everybody doesn’t wanna tank. There’s a lot of responsibility with the role and people have a tendency to treat you like doodoo at the slightest hint of a mistake so why would folks that are already disinclined to tank jump into the role?

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Main issue with M+ right now is class balance. Target caps are a massive DPS increase for only a select few classes.

So if you play a shaman, mage, WW monk, MM hunter or anything with broken damage in keys they will always get taken before you. Add in bloodlust on 3/4 of the classes I mentioned and yeah, you have a serious balance problem that isn’t easily fixed.

At the end of the day it’s Blizzards fault for balancing the game solely around raiding and making all other forms of content meta driven with broken class balance. Some classes do 12k dps in keys, others struggle to pull 7k. It’s the game being garbage.

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Just FYI, raiding class design is NOT balanced.


it’s hard to spot you on the forums when your helmet covers your snout btw


But look at my character now in profile!



i wouldn’t mess with you tbh…those knives look sharp :eyes:

Its just one of those situations where you never look at the list of applicants and think to yourself “we need a ret for this key” maybe if monk is late to signing up for NW or Spires.

Blizzard has literally created a rift in the community with M+.

It’s a meme and a point of contention among the community.

Imagine not having the foresight when designing a good-for-an-expansion-only system that you let it ruin consecutive expansion.

Do away with M+

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i dont think elitism means what you think it means. take a step back and think how many other DPS are applying to the same key. think about how trash this week is for melee DPS. you’re fighting for 1 or 2 at most melee dps spots and quite frankly its going to go to a rogue a vast majority of the time because of shroud and all the other things a rogue can do. unless youre a tank or healer youre just another name in an endless sea of DPS. its called supply and demand my friend. increase the supply decrease the demand its economics 101.

I don’t typically have qualms with stacking melee, most weeks, but if friends/guildies are unavailable for my key, why take a Ret paladin with 1100 IO when I can take a beastly 237 Frost Mage with 2100 IO in both seasons? I get mage food, Arcane Intellect, and Time Warp, and still likely have a slot free for a covenant or battle res.

You should be pointing your finger directly at Blizzard for nerfing Drums, since that restricted comps by making one of the very few Lust classes completely mandatory. Tanks don’t bring Lust, and only DKs bring Battle Res from that slot. The reality is that comps are so restricted in M+ for serious keys this expansion where you need to have a Shaman/Hunter/Mage for Lust, and a Warlock/DK/Druid for Battle Res. You could argue an engineer, too, but that’s much less reliable and responsive.

Drums nerf hasn’t been reverted, so it’s likely going to stay all expansion and further cripple off-meta classes and specs from getting more freely taken to M+. Your only other option is to run your own keys (with friends, ideally) and get your rating above the curve and get yourself geared. Your spec’s innate strengths have no merit in M+ over other picks, and neither does mine.